Pump name in English control (c)

Crank flywheel Pump: crank and flywheelpump pump: heating pump full load pump: full loadpump adjustable pump: adjustable flow pump with blades Axial flow pump with variable pitch blades all bronze pump: all abronze pump fuel pump: fuelpump fuel pump: fuelpump fuel pump: fuel oil pump : Vuel oil transferpump dye pump: dyepump heat pump: heat pump heat pump: ther'moelectromagnetic pump heat pump: hot water pump hot water circulating pump: hot water circulating pump heat pump: jacketed pump heat pump: hot oil pump Herringbone gear pump: herringbone gear pump Herringbone gear pump: double helical gear pump Volume pump: pisitive displacement pump Vacuum displacement pump Pump: emulsion (liquor) pump molten salt pump: pump for liquid salts tanning pump: tannery fleshings pump emulsion pump: emulsionpump hose pump, peristaltic pump: flexible tubepump hose pump: peristaltic pump hose diaphragm Pump: flexible tube diaphragmpump Hose diaphragm pump: flexible tube membranpump Lubricant pump: lubricating pump Three cylinder crank pump: three throw crank pump Three cylinder crank pump: triplex pump Three cylinder reciprocating pump: three cylinder reciprocating pump Three cylinder reciprocating pump: three throw reciprocating pump Three-channel vane pump: three channel impeller pump Three-screw pump: three screw pump Three-lobed pump: three lobe pump Three-piston pump: treble ram pump Three-piston pump: three cell vane pump deep pump: deep pump deep pump: vertical pump pump sublimation pump: purification pump : Sublimation pu mp biofilter humus pump: filter-humuspump wet pit pump (US): wet pit pump wet pit pump: wet sump pump wet motor pump: wet motor pump wet vacuum pump: wet vacuum pump lime slurry pump: lime slurry pump lime milk pump : Milk of lime pump lime pump: clarified juice pump lime pump: limed juice pump pump: petroleum pump laboratory pump: laboratory pump food pump: food pump food pump: pump for edible fluids > Hand pump hand pump: hand pump pump hand pump: hand pump pump: hand pump hand pump: hand pump hand pump: hand pump hand pump: hand operated pump hand pump pump: drainage pump pipeline pump: pipeline pump: oil line pump pipeline pump: pipeline pump: pipline pump double-cylinder series steam direct-drive pump: duplex compound steam pump double-cylinder crank pump Duplex power pump twin reciprocating pump Double cylinder reciprocating pump: two cylinder reciprocating pump Double cylinder steam pump: duplex steam pump Double diaphragm pump: two diaphragm pump Double vane pump: twin vane pump Double shell pump: barrel insertpump Double flow impeller pump: double channel impeller pump Double Two-pump pump: hyperbolic screw pump Double-cam rotary piston pump: twin lobe pump Double-volute pump: double volute pump

Traction Wire Rope

The wire rope is a helical wire bundle made of steel wires with mechanical properties and geometric dimensions that meet the requirements. The wire rope is composed of steel wire, rope core and grease. A steel wire rope is a rope that is twisted into strands from multiple layers of steel wires, and then a certain number of strands are twisted into a spiral shape with the core as the center. In material handling machinery, it is used for lifting, traction, tensioning and carrying. The steel wire rope has high strength, light weight, stable work, not easy to break the whole rope suddenly, and reliable work. In 1834, European Olubert invented the world's first steel wire rope (smooth steel wire rope).

Wire ropes can be classified according to the material, surface condition, twisting method and purpose of the wire rope.
Classified by material
1. Carbon steel wire rope is made by twisting high-quality carbon structural steel wire as raw material.
2. Stainless steel wire rope, manufactured and twisted with stainless steel wire as raw material.

Galvanized Wire Rope,Steel Wire Rope For Oil Field,Lifting Wire Rope,Traction Wire Rope

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