Recently, a migrant worker at a construction site in the urban area fell from a half-meter high shelf during construction, causing cervical spine injury and requiring hospitalization. Copyright Statement: This article is reproduced from online media and represents only the author's opinion. It has nothing to do with this site. If news articles and comments infringe your legal rights, please call us and we will handle it in a timely manner. Solar Light,Solar Lanterns,Solar Lamp,Solar Powered Lights Ningbo Royalux Lighting Co., Ltd. ,
At 10:30 am on the 10th, a man surnamed Shao was sent to the emergency department of the city hospital. According to reports, the man is a worker on a construction site. He is usually responsible for some miscellaneous activities. On the day he was working on a shelf half a meter high above the ground. He did not wear a safety helmet. A wooden board that fell from the sky was lying on his head. The inverted posture drops the ground. At that time, the man felt numbness in his hand, which was like a needle pain, followed by a sensory disturbance.
On-duty doctors put on a neck brace for them. After the examination, the man's cervical spine was determined to be injuried and hospitalization was required.
The doctors reminded that many migrant workers were injured because there were no corresponding safety measures. If they did not wear safety helmets or safety ropes, they often suffered severe injuries and treatment for a long time if the head was hit or fell. On the one hand, it is recommended that relevant departments pay attention to safety. On the other hand, site workers must raise their awareness of safety and wear safety helmets in a timely manner.
Langfang Worker Wearing No Hardhat Cervical Injury