First: The dust blocking efficiency of dust masks is very high. After using a mask, whether the dust blocking efficiency in the atmosphere is high or low is based on the standard of measuring the dust blocking efficiency of fine dust or respiratory dust respirator dust of 5 μm or less. Under normal circumstances, gauze masks are more elaborate, and the principle of resistance to dust is mechanical filtration, that is, when the dust collides with the gauze, after some layers of barrier, some large particles of dust are blocked in the gauze. However, fine dust, especially dust less than 5 μm, will pass through the gauze mesh and enter the respiratory system. Some dust masks are sold on the market. The filter material is composed of fibers filled with permanent static electricity. Respiratory dust less than 5 μm will be attracted by electrostatic attraction and adsorbed on the filter material during passing through this filter material. , really play a role in blocking dust. Copyright Statement: This article is reproduced from online media and represents only the author's opinion. It has nothing to do with this site. If news articles and comments infringe your legal rights, please call us and we will handle it in a timely manner. Bridge Faucets,bridge kitchen faucet,Bridge Faucets price Yuyao Zelin Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd ,
Second: The degree of closeness between the mask and face shape is better. When the mask is not in close contact with the human face, dust in the air will enter the respiratory tract from the gap around the mask. Therefore, people should choose dust masks that fit their faces and wear dust masks correctly.
Third: wear to be comfortable, including small breathing resistance, light weight, wear health, and easy maintenance, such as wearing an arched dust mask.
How to wear dust masks