ThinkDesign teapot modeling process

ThinkDesign is an excellent industrial design software that is easy to operate. Below, take the production of a teapot as an example, to share with you the entire process of applying ThinkDesign (hereinafter referred to as TD) software for easy modeling.

Many industrial designs prefer to create models in a four-view manner, and TD can also use this approach. In the View-Display-Viewport, select the four-viewport command. After four viewports appear, you can set the view type of different viewports according to your personal usage habits (generally including Front, Top, Right, and a viewport with free 3D display). . There is another important point to note in TD. It is to change the input method: right click on the modeling area, select "Options/Properties", and select "Input" under "System Options" in the pop-up box. "On the view". This allows you to model the input on different views.

To draw a pot, first create a pot, first draw a circle on the top view, thus creating a linear surface, length 120mm, angle set to 30, bottom border fill. Use the upper edge to pull down a 5mm long 45° A linear surface that creates two solid surfaces and chamfers the edges. Then draw the spout part, draw a diagonal line of appropriate angle and length on the left side of the pot body to create a tubular surface. Right click on the radius control point and select Add Radius. The specific settings are as shown below.

Boolean operation is performed on the spout and the body part, and the chamfer is added to the intersection. The upper vertex is 3mm and the lower vertex is 8mm. Create an entity perpendicular to the pot body as shown in the figure to obtain the intersection curve.

Draw an internal constraint curve on the intersecting closed arc to control the convex shape of the surface. Use the obtained curve to create a curved convex surface at the bottom of the kettle body using the obtained curve.

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