Sandstone use example

Sandstone is the most widely used stone in human beings. Its noble and elegant temperament and natural environmental characteristics have made it a wonderful flower in the history of architecture. The Louvre, decorated with sandstone hundreds of years ago, the British Royal Palace, the US Capitol, Harvard University, Notre Dame, etc. still have a charm, and the classics are forever.

In the past, sandstone was very laborious in construction use, which was due to the backwardness of the cutting machine and processing machinery in the quarry. In recent years, these conditions have improved, and we are able to provide our customers with high-quality products based on the highest level of expertise and color requirements. Sandstone is widely used. Some people even think that "everyone can think of it, it can be used."

FEP Silicon Encapsulated O Ring

Encapsulated O-rings under [SEALMANN"
t r a d e m a r k , a r e a v a i l a b l e i n F E P a n d P FA f o r
encapsulation material and fluoro rubber and silicone
rubber for core material, with characteristics of great
corrosion resistance, compliance of environmental and
hygienic requirements and suitability for wide range of
w o r k i n g t e m p e r a t u r e s , p l u s e x c e l l e n t s e a l i n g
performance and durability for almost all chemical
media. They are widely used in pumps, valves, filters,
medical equipment, chemical containers, pipe flanges
and mechanical seals etc.

Fep Silicon Encapsulated O Ring,Fep Silicone,Pump O Ring,Chemical Resistant O Rings

Ningbo FLK Technology Co., Ltd. ,