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In early May, the European Commission decided to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese solar panels, a decision that will take effect on June 6. The tariffs imposed are on average 47%. At the same time, the EU has also imposed protective tariffs on Chinese porcelain for a long time and threatened to conduct anti-dumping investigations on Chinese communication equipment products.
An open letter issued by the German Industry Association on the 19th said that the EU's decision has threatened thousands of German jobs. Boerner, the president of the country's foreign trade association, warned that this approach would lead to a trade war with China.
Berner pointed out that after the implementation of protective tariffs in the EU, the price of solar panels will increase, and the production costs of the German solar industry will also increase, threatening the survival of enterprises. In addition, the Chinese solar industry uses a large amount of German technology. As a result, the German machinery industry will also suffer damage.
The president of the German Industry Association, Grillo, also told the media on the same day that China’s role in the world economy is very important, especially for the German national economy that relies on exports. “We should try all other before taking anti-dumping measures. Ways to find a solution in the negotiations."
China has warned the EU not to exacerbate trade disputes. The Ministry of Commerce has said that the share of European mobile telecom equipment companies in the Chinese market is higher than the share of Chinese companies in the EU market, and any move by Brussels will harm the interests of both parties. China is preparing to respond accordingly.
In the context of the economic downturn in Europe, trade protectionism has a deepening trend. However, the above measures against China will cause huge damage to the EU economy. Federal Economy Minister Rosler therefore expressed concern that the EU's punitive tariffs on China are a "serious mistake" and that the European Commission should not replace the negotiations with threats.
German industry criticizes EU punitive tariffs on photovoltaics in China
Abstract The European Union’s decision to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese solar photovoltaic products has been strongly criticized by the German Industry Association, arguing that this decision will become Germany’s “worker killerâ€. Early May, EU
The European Union’s decision to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese solar photovoltaic products has been strongly criticized by the German Industry Association, arguing that this decision will become Germany’s “worker killerâ€.