Here we are mainly indicating the carabiners for safety harnesses.
Unlick ordinary keychain carabiners or other light-duty carabiners,these carabiners are of way bigger breaking strength.
Some even hit to 30KN breaking strength,which would assure it's liability at any circumstance while using.
WinnerLifting likes safety harnesses,not just because it brings lots of nice business partners,but also they bring safety to everywhere.
Each of us are only granted with one single life,why not use the best?
Rock Climbing Carabiner,Stainless Steel Carabiner,Rescue Carabiner,Mountain Climbing Carabiner WINNERLIFTING SAFETY EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD. ,
Rolling feature industry
I. In the retrospective, the term "functional components" was derived from the 1980s. It uses some very important component "functions" to locate its role in the mainframe. This is more than the name of the "machine tool accessory". Appropriate and more accurate. The functional components that play a key role in CNC machine tools include: CNC system, spindle unit (including electric spindle), ball screw pair, rolling linear guide pair, rotary servo motor, linear servo motor, knife