Netizens exposed rare fire hydrant call hidden danger

After the 12.11 fire at the Rongjian Agricultural Market in Guangming New District, more and more Shenzhen citizens began to care about the fire hydrant around them. Whether the fire hydrant is in good condition or whether the water can be discharged in a timely manner has become a hot spot for the public. Recently, the netizen “I come to the Internet” published a post titled “Fireworks on the street, wonderful, people are speechless, save them before the fire” on the Shenzhen News Network forum, calling on the netizens in Shenzhen to take action. Use a photo to expose all the fire hydrants that are hidden near you.

In the netizen's "I come to the Internet" post, the reporter saw that these street "exotic" fire hydrants were either cemented; they either "hidden" to play "hide and seek" in the greenery; "Mocking" makes people illegible. For example, the fire hydrant on the Shahe Road in Nanshan District was buried directly under the ground. The outlet had been completely sealed by cement and covered with a thick layer of ash. There are also elimination plugs near the entrance and exit of the Shekoukou subway line, surrounded by potted plants and bonsai. It is not a real fire hydrant.

The netizen believes that these fire hydrants were originally intended for emergency use, but most of them have now become furnishings. "If you need to use them in case of an emergency, you have to spend time looking for them wherever they are; it is also difficult for a fire hydrant to use it at one and a half." The netizen stated: "For the rescue of fire hydrants, there is no delay. Before the fire, you should rescue them first, and don't let them be decorated. Otherwise, your life will become fatal." The reporter saw that the forum netizens expressed their support and affirmation for the activities launched by the netizen “I come to the Internet” to rescue the hidden fire safety plugs.

On the 17th, as reported by netizens, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of Shenzhen Water Group. The person in charge told the reporter that for the situation reflected by netizens, the Water Group will send personnel to conduct inspections. If this is the case, the fire hydrant in question will be repaired as soon as possible.

According to the person in charge, at present, Shenzhen Water Group manages over 10,000 municipal fire hydrants throughout the city, but not all fire hydrants in the city are under its management. Under normal circumstances, the Water Group will organize regular inspections of municipal fire hydrants. In order to ensure adequate hydrant water supply and stable water pressure, the inspection frequency for municipal fire hydrant inspections and test discharges shall be no less than three times per year.

The person in charge said that after the public found that the fire hydrant had been damaged, invaded, and the valve could not be opened or closed, the public could call the Shenzhen Water Group's 24-hour service hotline “82137777” to reflect it. After the public’s response was accepted, the water group People will be sent to the scene for repairs and maintenance. In addition, the person in charge of the Water Affairs Group also stated that citizens may also call the hotline “82137777” to solve any other water problems in their lives.

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