Do you usually like to wear headphones to listen to music? Do you often open windows when you drive? Do you usually work or study in a noisy environment? Is the living environment quiet? Many people are accustomed to these things, but few people understand these habits and The environment will affect the hearing imperceptibly. Copyright Statement: This article is reproduced from online media and represents only the author's opinion. It has nothing to do with this site. If news articles and comments infringe your legal rights, please call us and we will handle it in a timely manner. Drinking Water Faucets, Drinking Water Tap, Kitchen Drinking Water Faucet, Stainless Steel Drinking Water Faucet ZHEJIANG KINGSIR VALVE CO., LTD. ,
March 3rd is the National Day of the Ear. The theme of the 2014 National Day of the Ears is “Love Ear, Ear Protection, Healthy Listeningâ€. Relevant medical experts reminded that prevention should begin with primary ear care.
According to the report of the World Health Organization in 2013, there are 360 ​​million people with hearing disabilities in the world, accounting for 5.3% of the global population. Among them, 50% of hearing-impaired people can be prevented and avoided through primary ear care. It is the most basic, most economical, and most effective means and approach to prevent hearing disability.
Due to the fast pace and high pressure of modern life, as well as noise, pollution, and improper use of medicines, ear diseases and hearing impairments are increasingly becoming a major problem affecting people's lives and communication. Living for a long time or working in a noisy environment without taking any protective measures will result in permanent hearing loss. Research shows that 37% of hearing impairment is closely related to noise damage. Longer exposure to noise can cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, unresponsiveness, memory loss and insomnia. An environment sounds from 30 dB to 50 dB and will not affect people; when the sound is above 90 dB, people's hearing will be seriously affected; if the sound exceeds 175 dB, it may cause heart resonance and cause death.
So, how to reduce the harm of noise on the human body? Doctors remind everyone to stay away from noise sources. For suddenly occurring high-intensity explosive sounds or emergencies, you can use your fingers to stick in the external auditory canal, use the sound to open the mouth or use ear protectors such as earmuffs, earplugs, etc. to reduce the degree of damage.
White-collar workers who live in metropolitan areas arguably struggle to sleep every day on the car whistle on the road. They must work the next day. Not only do they feel physically and mentally exhausted, but they also easily lead to decreased attention, work errors, and serious problems. Healthy body. Many people choose to use soundproof earplugs to isolate noise and achieve quiet sleep.
In this event of the 33th Ears Day, the experts reminded that when buying this ear protector, it should be noted that there are two types of earplugs on the market: one is the labor protection earplug, which is used to protect hearing during the production of the factory floor. Sex products are cheap to sell but relatively poor in quality; while others are earmuffs that are specifically designed for daily use, characterized by durability and high softness, without damage to the ear canal. Among them, zero earplugs are the best in terms of comfort and durability in similar products, and are specifically designed for the ear canal of the Orientals, which is very good for our Chinese people. In addition, it contains antibacterial ingredients and long-term use can also ensure the health of the ear canal. It is currently the domestic sleep noise protection product.
Noise can cause many negative effects on people's health and normal life and cannot be ignored. On March 3rd, on the 3rd of April, doctors reminded the general public that if symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus and hearing loss occur, they should go to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment to ensure hearing health.
Love ear noise and ear protection can protect hearing