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H-150 slide valve vacuum pump failure phenomenon and troubleshooting
H-150 slide valve vacuum pump failure phenomenon and troubleshooting: 1 vacuum is not high: (1). Pump leakage. (2) cartridge hole suction, appear mist: cleaning oil filter, check tubing, pumps. (3) pump oil pollution: open the gas valve running 1-2 hours or longer, or new oil. (4). Insufficient fuel, the oil level is too low: fuel. (5). Oil temperature is too high: Increase the amount of water, reduce the ambient temperature and inhaled gas temperature, eliminate occlusion, poor lubrication. (6). Exhaust valve damage: for the valve. (7). Exhaust valve spring damaged: renewal. (8) parts of the pump wear and tear, there are different sound, power abnormalities: dismantling inspection of the rotating parts. 2 oil leakage: check shaft seal, the sealing parts, adjust or change new. 3 noise: abnormal noise: check whether foreign objects fall into the pump chamber, bearings, pump drive without damage. Clear, trim, change new. 4 fuel injection: a large number of oil spouts: check the oil level is too high, such as too high, release; oil shield components, anti-injection components, etc. are intact. 5 Vibration: Vibration: Check the base is solid, fastening, the foundation is sufficient. Have bite, stuck in the early signs, adjust. 6 abnormal temperature pump bearing fever: a little loose belt, check whether the smooth flow of oil, cooling water enough. Fuel tank heat, exhaust valve overheating: reduce the inlet pressure, increase the amount of cooling water. 7 bite stuck: check whether foreign objects fall into, parts intact, lubrication is adequate, fuel, oil, pumps. 8 motor current is too large or fuse blown: check the current is too large reason, check the fuse capacity, adjust, change new.