Development and combination of milling tools

The CoroMill 290 square shoulder milling cutter offers several advantages, such as a pre-hardened body and a cost-effective square insert with four cutting edges and the use of central screws (providing high strength in many demanding processes) High precision and improved blade positioning make it easy to achieve better surface finish than before. This 90° milling cutter has become a very versatile tool from small diameter to large diameter, enabling considerable depth of cut.

Pure face milling, including finishing to mirror-like surfaces and roughing with high metal removal rates, has been combined into a face milling cutter – CoroMill 245. With a 45° lead angle, the cutter can achieve a cutting force balance for a specific pass when the high table is fed or the tool overhang is too long. In general, the subsequent steps can be eliminated by the wiper option on the blade. In most workpiece materials, this tool has become the hallmark of face milling.

Whether it is deep or shallow shoulder milling, there is a unique need for tools, and 90° tools are an essential choice. Similarly, CoroMill 790 represents a new direction, initially focusing on the cutting of non-ferrous materials, such as aluminum wings in the aerospace industry. This tool has a very high metal removal rate, which leaves a high-quality shoulder surface for high-speed cutting and negligible tooling errors. Since it was developed specifically for light cutting, low power requirements are clearly an advantageous feature. In addition, extremely safe and precise blade positioning makes the tool suitable for ramp milling, interpolation milling, large depth of cut and plunge milling.

End mills are the most common milling tools because they perform most processes. The CoroMill 390 indexable insert gives new meaning to the tool type when it is launched. Here, the 90° tool is able to perform all the tasks required for a CNC machine – the modern light cutting end milling process in all forms, including efficient deep-to-shallow shoulder milling with good surface quality. When the larger blade models were subsequently introduced, there were not only fewer restrictions, but even most of the limitations were eliminated.

The insert model determines cutting parameter capability, cutting time, tool life, reliability, and versatility. The recently introduced new generation of coated carbide tools offers a considerable level of performance. This not only makes the shop more competitive, but also meets more stringent deadline requirements and achieves higher quality consistency. The new CVD and PVD coated inserts allow for higher cutting parameters and enable reliable and predictable high-speed cutting in their applications. Especially for the new square shoulder milling, the development of this grade also makes it possible to use a sharper positive rake cutting edge for lighter, more precise cutting without any reduction in blade strength.

When developing a new square shoulder milling cutter, the key point is to combine the ability to create a high quality end surface with the shoulder surface. Some milling tools are capable of cutting high-level end faces or square shoulders, but no tool can simultaneously achieve both high precision and surface quality.

Since the industry is most concerned with production efficiency, it is necessary to combine the ability to perform fine end face and square shoulder milling with the high quality capability of performing high metal removal roughing processes. In some applications it is also required to combine roughing and finishing passes. The single cutting ability combines high metal removal rate with good shoulder surface quality, no compromise in performance, and improved functionality.

Although the cost of cutting tools is only a small fraction of the total production cost of all parts, many users put tool cost issues with tool inventory in a prominent position. The square insert provides four cutting edges and also provides the ability to have the best cutting edge for each insert. But the square blade means a 90° fillet and has a limited range of applications for the combination of capabilities required for the new efficient shoulder.

Natural Gas Mass Flow Meter

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