Can mulberry use acephate?

The use of acephate is not recommended and it is not safe for sericulture. The pesticides currently used on mulberry trees are mainly zinc sulphate, sangbao (registration number: LS2000453/F00/0072), mulberry qing (trade name: 24% D emulsifiable concentrate, registration number: LS2000846, this medicine is now used for mulberry The drug has been tested in Haining and Tongxiang for 3 years. In addition, the dosage of mulberry must be strictly in accordance with the use indicated on the label. Do not blindly increase the dosage, and it is generally not used in the silkworm production period. The residual period of common pesticides on silkworms is one week, and the shortest is three days (such as zinc thiophosphorus).
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teapot kettle

Teapot is a kind of mouthed utensil for making and pouring tea. It is a kind of tea set, mainly used to make tea. The teapot is composed of a lid, a body, a bottom and a ring foot. The lid has holes, buttons, seats, covers and other details. The pot body has mouth, extension (lip wall), mouth, flow, abdomen, shoulder, handle (handle, wrench) and other parts. Because of the subtle differences in the handle, lid, bottom and shape of the teapot, there are 200 basic shapes of the teapot. When making tea, the size of the teapot depends on the number of tea drinkers. Teapots have a lot of texture, most of which are made of purple clay or porcelain.

Teapot Kettle,Red Teapot Kettle,Teapot And Kettle,Ceramic Teapot Kettle

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