Cabinet industry 4S service model into a trend

Recently, the author learned that in the cabinet market in Xiamen, while the cabinet industry is developing at a high speed, after-sales service is increasingly valued by consumers. The influence of the after-sales service level of companies and distributors on consumers' purchases is constantly being strengthened.

The vast majority of orders for cabinet products are custom goods and have their own special sales process. Orders are only the first step in sales. From order to completion of processing and installation, there are a large number of supporting services. Each step requires detailed meticulous jobs. The complexity of cabinet sales determines that a reasonable solution must be presented to the customer, or the drawings must be modified or the order must be modified so that the order can be continued. After the cabinet products must do after-sales service, we must provide customers with a full range of technical support and consulting services such as design, measurement, manufacturing, delivery, installation, maintenance, and maintenance.

Cupboard products have greater sales flexibility and longer service cycles. In order to meet consumer demand for services, the Chinese cabinet industry is increasingly focusing on service and brand image. With the establishment of 4S stores, such as Europa, Han Li and other well-known cabinet brands, it is believed that the service mode of the 4S shops in cabinets will gradually become popular.

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