Cabbage has good effect of topdressing according to growth period

The yield of Chinese cabbage is high, and the amount of fertilizer is large. On the basis of applying the base fertilizer, do not worry about topdressing. Topdressing should be determined according to different growth periods and seedlings. Seedling stage is generally not topdressing. If the bottom fertilizer is insufficient, the first time can be in the 3~4 true leaf stage, apply 10 kg of ammonium sulfate per acre, spread on both sides of the seedlings, and immediately water, called "lifting fertilizer"; the second time in the seedling or After the seedlings are transplanted, 15~20 kg of ammonium sulfate per acre is applied, and the ditch is applied on both sides of the ridge, which is called “fat fertilizer”; the third time in the rosette period, 25~30 kg of ammonium sulfate per acre, perphosphate Calcium 10~15 kg, put the fertilizer into the ditch or the hole, then add the soil to help the ridge, then water, called "large top dressing"; the fourth time in the middle of the ball, apply 15~20 kg of ammonium sulfate per acre, Can be applied with water, called "filling the heart fat."

Chinese cabbage from the group to the rosette period, the temperature is gradually decreasing, the temperature is moderate, and water can be properly watered at this time. The end of the rosette can be properly controlled for several days, and then watered after the third top dressing. After the cabbage enters the ball-forming period, it needs the most water. Therefore, it is necessary to pour a water to the seedlings immediately after the end of the seedlings, and then water the second water every 2~3 days. This time is very important, when the soil is cracked, it will The lateral roots are broken, and the fine roots die, which affects the ball. In the future, water is usually poured once every 5 to 6 days to keep the soil moist.
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