Application of the number spring method in the analysis of fine fracture of steel mixing soil

Finite Spring Method Overview The finite spring method assumes that a unit of any shape is a rigid body, and two kinds of distributed spring nets capable of resisting volume change and shear deformation are disposed at the interface of each unit. It does not use the internal working force of the unit, but evaluates the deformation energy of the unit by the action force caused by the surface force on the interface of the unit. The spring net on the interface reflects the deformation of the adjacent unit. From a unit, it seems that the unit is not considered. Deformation. The deformation energy <4> of the distributed spring mesh concentrated on the interface of adjacent cells is generally calculated by the formula (1).

V=t2{u}T∫b(T In the formula ds{u}(1), {u} is the 3-direction displacement (u, v,) of any two adjacent cells, and t and b are the cell thickness and the interface length. The relationship between the displacement {u} and the vertical direction between the interfaces and the relative displacement {} of the shear direction is a 2×6 matrix. In theory, the displacement evaluation point can take any point of the unit, and the unit centroid is generally taken for the convenience of calculation. Page2

Spring net and its mechanical parameters Reinforced concrete members are formed by the combination of steel bars and friction, friction and thread engagement to effectively bear the load. In the past, when finite element analysis was carried out on it, the role of the three was generally considered from the viewpoint of the macroscopic mechanical model, that is, the bond slip curve was used to consider the interaction between the two. From the mesoscopic level, this paper focuses on the bite cooperation of each thread, divides the thread into a unit, and numerically simulates the meso-fracture mechanism of concrete caused by it. Further, the aggregate and the mortar are separately arranged, and the effect of the aggregate on the meso-fracture of the concrete can also be investigated <7>.

The damage condition of the concrete spring net is the formula (8). c=o-ctan(c≤0)c=o(1-c/ft)(0 c=nc-wh1+h2Ec(9) where Ec is the concrete elastic modulus. The relative displacement and stress of any two adjacent cell interfaces can be obtained. For the convenience of calculation, and considering that the cell is small, the stress is calculated by the relative displacement nc of the midpoint of the interface and the crack width w. Let the concrete stretch softening curve be used, and GF be the breaking energy. Thus, the expressions of the simultaneous (9) and softening curves can be used to find w and c. The shear spring stiffness damage parameter s of the crack face is set to 1, and the damage parameter n of the vertical spring stiffness is calculated by equation (10) as n=1-cncEc(h1+h2)(10)c, and nc represents the previous convergence calculation. The relative displacement of the vertical stress on the cell interface.

Conclusion This paper describes the pre-processing system for segmentation theory based on computational geometry and its application to the numerical simulation of the fracture process of reinforced concrete members. Further extending this method to three-dimensional space, it is foreseen that a new technical means will be provided for studying the fracture mechanism of reinforced concrete and developing high-performance structural systems. In this paper, the following conclusions are obtained by computer simulation of the fracture process of concrete square columns with reinforced bars at the ends. (1) Numerical simulation of brittle materials using the variability of the variability of the spring method can effectively investigate the whole process from micro-cracks to macro-fractures, and help to explain the fracture mechanism of concrete materials. (2) By dividing the concrete into discrete elements of arbitrary polygons and using the arbitrariness of the unit shape of the finite spring method, the influence of the shape of the unit on the results of the concrete fracture simulation can be well considered.

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