Because pesticides are a special commodity, pesticide registration systems are implemented to effectively control ineffective or inefficient or even harmful pesticide products entering the market. That is, before entering the market, pesticides must be registered with the relevant state departments, obtain approval (registration certificate or other certification), and obtain the important intangible assets such as pesticide registration certificate. It is divided into two parts: domestic registration and foreign registration. Plano Convex Spherical Lens,Plano Convex Lens,Explain Spherical Lenses,Spherical Aberration Lenses Lambda Research Optics ChangChun,LTD. ,
Product information and samples are required to apply for pesticide registration. The required information is as follows:
1. Statement of authenticity of the information and non-infringement of the intellectual property rights of others;
2. The preliminary opinion of the provincial pesticide certification agency (offshore applicants may not provide);
3. Application form (filled in according to the corresponding application form designed by the Ministry of Agriculture Pesticide Testing);
4. Product summary information;
5, product chemical information 6, toxicological information (formulation requires acute toxicity, the original drug requires a full set of information, but the same original drug or over-protection period of the original drug);
7. Pharmacodynamic data (not required for the original drug);
8. Residue information (not required for the original drug);
9. Environmental impact data (formulations and original drugs are generally required);
10. The same pesticide product certification materials (for the same pesticide products);
11. Technical identification materials and relevant certification materials (if necessary);
12. Label or attached instructions;
13. Proof of the source of the original drug used in the preparation and the registration status (for the preparation product);
14. Others include company profile, business license, product patent, trademark description, etc.
Relevant documents and materials that are indispensable for applying for pesticide registration