Fluorescent Brightener BA Optical Brightener BA,Fluorescent Brightener OBA,Optical Brighteing Agent BA,Fluorescent Whitening Agent BA FORING IMPORT & EXPORT CO.,LTD , https://www.foringfor.cn
C. I. 113 CAS: 12768-92-2
Molecular formula: C40H42N12O10S2Na2
Molecular weight: 960.94 (as international relative atom mass 2005)
Max UV absorption wavelenghth: 348nm
brilliant blue purple. Soluble in water. In neutral or alkaline dyeing bath dyed cotton with the staining, especially suitable for peroxide bleaching solution in use; Also used to discharge. Can be used for cotton, wool, silk, nylon as well.
Mainly applied to whiten paper pulp, surface sizing, coating, and also applied to whiten cotton, linen and cellulose fiber as well as cellulose fabrics, and to brighten light-colored cellulose fabrics.
Occurrence and prevention of gluten
First, the damage symptoms
Millet can occur at various stages of growth, causing nursery, leaf mites, thrift, ear mites and grain mites, respectively, with leaf mites, thrift and ear mites are the most serious. In the seedling stage, brown small lesions were formed on the leaves and sheaths, and the leaves were yellow when severe. Leaf mites began to occur in early July, and fusiform and elliptical lesions were produced on the leaves. They were generally 1 to 5 mm long and 1 to 3 mm wide. On the high-sensitivity varieties, streaks with a length of about 1 cm were formed. The typical lesions of the susceptible varieties are grayish white with purple-brown edges and purple-brown necrotic lines on both ends of the lesions. Gray mold on the surface of the lesion at high humidity. In severe cases, the lesions are dense, meet each other, and the leaves die. Thrifts often occur after heading, and the stems of the stems are brown and depressed, gradually shrinking, the ears are not extracted, or dried and discolored after heading. The diseased stem is easy to tilt and fall. The ear of the ear and the spikelet stalk develops brown plaques. After expansion, it can be surrounded by a week, causing it to die, causing the spikelets to be white. When severe, the whole ear or half ear is dead. The disease is grayish white, blue-gray, not strong or dry. . There is a significant difference in disease resistance between millet varieties. The leaves of resistant varieties have no disease spots or brown spots with only needle size. The moderately resistant varieties produce oval small lesions with brown edges and grayish white in the middle, and the lesions are not more than two veins. The susceptible variety has a large spindle-shaped spot with a brown edge and a grayish-white color with a width exceeding two veins.
Second, the transmission route
Carrier seeds and diseased plant residues provide a source of initial infection. Inoculation tests showed that gluten can infect green foxtail, while many grasses such as crabgrass are not infested, and most grass crops and weeds in the field cannot provide wintering sources. Millet disease strains produce a new generation of conidia that re-infects with wind and rain. In North China, 5 to 8 generations occur every year, and August is the peak incidence. In Jilin Province, Ye Lan began to occur in mid-July, and the peak of the disease occurred from the end of July to the beginning of August. The ear-necked scorpion began to appear in early August and stopped developing in late August.
Third, the disease conditions
The prevalence of gluten is affected by meteorological conditions. In the northern millet cultivation area, the temperature in the growing season is suitable for the infection of the bacteria, and the precipitation, humidity and field condensation are fluctuating greatly during the years, which often have an important impact on the incidence of each year. In Jilin Province, continuous high humidity, rainy and widowed in mid-to-late July is conducive to the occurrence of spider mites; from late July to early August, there are more rainy, dew, and illuminating, and the temperature is low (18°C~20°C). May occur seriously. Millet planting density is too large or with high-stalk crops such as corn and sorghum, the field is closed, the humidity is high, the amount of condensation is large, and the incidence is heavy. The continuous cropping field with more accumulated diseased bodies, the low-lying sloping water field, and the excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer to the grazing field, the incidence is heavier.
Fourth, prevention and treatment methods
(1) Planting disease-resistant varieties The disease resistance of millet varieties is obviously different, and there are more disease-resistant germplasm resources and disease-resistant varieties, which can be reasonably selected and used according to the physiological flora of local pathogens. Seed fields should remain disease-free, breeding and use without bacteria seeds.
(2) Strengthen the cultivation and management of diseased fields to carry out rotation, remove the diseased bodies in time after harvest, and reduce the source of overwintering bacteria. Reasonably adjust the planting density, prevent excessive depression in the field, rational irrigation and drainage, reduce the humidity of the field and reduce condensation. Rational fertilization to prevent plants from growing up and increasing their ability to resist disease.
(3) The effective agents for drug control include: carbendazim (ke 瘟 )) 40% emulsifiable concentrate 500~800 times solution, 50% tetrachlorophenyl hydrazine (rice mash) WP 1000 times solution, 2% chunleimycin Wet powder 500~600 times liquid, etc. The control of spider mites is sprayed at the initial stage, and the control of the panicles can be sprayed once at the beginning of the head and at the heading stage. Spray at intervals of 7 days, spray a total of 2-3 times, preferably after the rain.
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