According to foreign media reports, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently claimed that they have designed a new nuclear fusion reactor that can be used on a commercial scale and named it "ARC." Researchers believe that the "ARC" nuclear fusion reactor will provide an endless supply of energy, which can be achieved within 10 years. According to scientists, the "ARC" nuclear fusion reactor is a tokamak system, in which the system resembles donuts. "ARC" nuclear fusion reactor profile. Although smaller in size and lower in cost, the "ARC" nuclear fusion reactor relies on powerful new magnet technology that can generate more energy output than other large nuclear fusion reactors. The "ARC" fusion reactor looks like a doughnut, much like the nuclear reactor used by Tony Stark in the movie Iron Man. New nuclear fusion reactors will be able to provide more energy than larger reactors in other designs, such as the nuclear reactor used by Tony Stark in the movie “Iron Manâ€. The "ARC" nuclear fusion reactor utilizes two hydrogen atoms, helium and neon. Scientists first injected helium and helium into the containment of the reactor, and then increased its energy to dislodge electrons from the host atoms and form plasma, a process that would release tremendous energy. Scientists said that if this technology can be improved, it will be able to provide endless energy, and then completely solve the global energy crisis. The Tokamak reactor is one of the most promising nuclear fusion reactors. The Tokamak system is an annular vacuum chamber like a doughnut. The fuel is heated above 150 million degrees Celsius, forming a hot plasma. Then use a strong magnetic field to drive the plasma away from the containment wall. A coil of superconducting coil surrounds the containment vessel and is responsible for generating a super-strong magnetic field. However, so far, this type of coil is a major technical bottleneck in all nuclear fusion reactor designs. The "ARC" nuclear fusion reactor is slightly different from other tokamak systems because it uses a new type of commercially available superconductor made of rare earth yttrium copper oxide materials. A more powerful magnetic field can be generated by this coil, which can better confine the superheated plasma, making the reactor smaller, cheaper, and easier to build. The "ARC" new nuclear fusion reactor can be used for basic research in nuclear fusion, and it can also be used as a prototype for nuclear fusion power plants. According to the researchers, as the magnetic field energy increases, the energy produced by nuclear fusion is multiplied by the fourth power. This means that doubling the magnetic field energy will increase the fusion energy produced by 16 times. MIT research team member Brandon Solbohm explained that “any bit of improvement in magnetic field energy will bring you tremendous benefits.†Although this new type of superconductor does not increase the magnetic field energy to two Times. However, their magnetic field strength is sufficient to increase the energy produced by nuclear fusion to 10 times that of standard superconductivity technology. This huge improvement will promote the optimization and improvement of the reactor design. At present, the world's most powerful fusion reactor is the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), located in France and is currently under construction. The reactor’s construction budget is approximately 40 billion U.S. dollars. The "ARC" fusion reactor is a 500 MW reactor that is about half the diameter of the "ITER" reactor. The "ARC" has a large radius of 3.3 meters and a small radius of 1.1 meters. Although the size and magnetic field strengths are different, the "ARC" and "ITER" physical principles are exactly the same. According to the current design, the "ARC" nuclear fusion reactor will generate approximately three times as much energy as it needs to maintain its operation. However, Sorbohm believes that with the improvement of the system, this multiple will be five to six times. At present, no reactor has produced such high energy. Therefore, the research team believes that this will be a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology. In such a reactor, only one piece of electricity generated would be sufficient for the daily use of 100,000 people. The research team stated that within five years, devices with similar size and complexity will be available. Tokamak Energy CEO David Kingham said that "nuclear fusion energy will be one of the most important energy sources on Earth in the 22nd century." Nitric Acid Plant,Nitric Acid Hno3,Uses Of Nitric Acid,Industrial Grade Nitric Acid Shijiazhuang Xinlongwei Chemical Co., Ltd. ,
New type fusion reactor can be commercialized within ten years