The first large-scale cultivation of transgenic crops has been carried out for 15 years. According to reports, in 2014, the area of ​​global genetically modified crops reached 181.5 million hectares, of which the United States continued to lead the world with 73.1 million hectares. China planted 3.9 million hectares of GM crops, ranking sixth in the world. Nigel Halford is director of the Institute of Plant Science at the Lausanne Research Center in the United Kingdom and an internationally renowned scientist in the field of plant signal transduction research. In this book, Nigel from a scientific perspective, from a scientific perspective, explained in a simple way what is the difference between genetically modified technology, genetically modified and traditional breeding techniques, the value of genetically modified foods, the safety of genetically modified foods, and how developed countries regulate genetically modified agricultural products. What are the issues of great concern to society, such as production and genetic modification technology, affecting the ecological environment? To answer questions from readers of the first edition, Nigel specifically added the chapter “What is most worrying about genetic modification?†in the second edition. Nigel focused on answering European questions about genetically modified foods. In his opinion, the reason why GM foods are slow to advance in Europe is because of the untimely nature. "Not long after genetically modified foods were introduced, mad cow disease occurred in the UK, which caused one of the biggest food panic in British history." The result of this "panic" is that "pressure groups control public opinion and they spread inaccurate and half True half-truth information." One thing Nigel did not say was that after the epidemic of “mad cow diseaseâ€, European beef consumption continued as usual, and there was no outbreak of “transgenic†genetic modification still stagnating. Nigel also mentioned many typical scientific experiments on GM foods. Nigel pointed out that although the results of these experiments are sensational, they have often been confirmed as either "not verified by field trials" or "having flaws in many aspects of design, implementation, and analysis" or "published without peer review." "... In short, lack of scientific persuasion. At the same time, Nigel refuted the genetically-modified foods' loss of genetic diversity, the control of transgenes by multinational companies, and the fear of "super virus" caused by genetically modified foods. In Nigel's view, taking some unconfirmed worries to prevent genetic modification is in itself contrary to the spirit of science. However, reality is not as optimistic as Nigel. Earlier, "a 44-people opinion survey conducted by the Pew Research Center at the Washington think tank showed that 81% of Western Europe and 76% of Japanese people oppose genetically modified food for health and environmental reasons, and 55% of Americans believe that GM foods are bad. of". As the world’s largest producer and consumer of genetically modified foods, the reaction of the American public is somewhat surprising. Nigel analyzed the safety of genetically modified foods from a professional perspective. However, whether GM foods are safe in the end is obviously necessary to rely on a more credible scientific platform, such as hoping for a large-scale science big experimental debate, to make the public more clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of GM foods. Source: Guangzhou Daily Author: Wo knife Nanjing Great Century Art Model Co., Ltd. , ,
Genetically Modified Food Needs a Scientific Debate