Choosing a mattress to help students in college entrance examination relax easily

The college entrance examination will begin next week. Candidates' "yali" are generally very large. Many parents complained, and their children's pressure to sleep well did not affect the state of going to the exam. In fact, choosing a suitable bedding can help candidates improve sleep quality.

Some human health experts said that five choices for bedding selection: first look at the brand, good brands have good quality; second look at the hardness, the natural curve of the mattress and neck, back, waist, hips and legs when lying flat or on the side Close fit, it is good; three look at the elasticity, use the knee to test the press surface, you need to quickly restore the original state; four look at the material, it must have breathability, thermal conductivity and moisture resistance; five look at the thickness, between 18-23 cm Better.

It is understood that a good mattress has a humanized design that meets the requirements of ergonomics, from the seven-zone design of "head, shoulders, back, waist, hips, thighs, and calves" to mattresses, row skeletons, bedding, etc. , To meet everyone's sleep needs to promote deep sleep. Some customized sleep products on the market can also be combined and designed according to the customer's body shape and weight to help people further decompress and achieve easy sleep.

Experts pointed out that it is particularly important for candidates to adjust the circadian clock to the best state during the clinical examination stage. The rhythm of sleep cannot be broken, and the sleep time cannot be divided into several segments. In addition to providing good sleep-promoting hardware, parents should also do a good job of their children ’s ideological work to help them relax, for example, do not talk about the college entrance examination before eating and sleeping, and ensure 7-8 hours of sleep every day to create a child Good sleeping environment.

Nasal Swab Covid Test

The COVID-1 box of 9 common methods and rapid runny nose detection reagents are used for detection, the purpose is to determine the symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection simply and quickly, and it can sensitively determine the detection method of early infected people, which can be used for detection.
Virus-coronavirus twins such as SARS-CoV-2 need to be tested, and the test only takes 15-20 minutes.

The product is automatically produced and packaged in a 100,000-level purification workshop, and the shell is sterilized with 75% alcohol.

Nasal Swab Covid Test

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