Causes and control methods of apple anthracnose

Apple anthracnose is also known as bitter rot and late rot. It is mainly harmful to fruits, but it can also be harmful branches or fruit tables. The fruit is infected, and the spot is light brown round spot with needle size at the beginning of the fruit surface. The edge is clear, the lesion is gradually enlarged, and the funnel is deep into the flesh. The flesh is brown and rotten, with bitter blemishes. Finally, the epidermis sinks and the lesion grows. When it reaches 1 to 2 cm, the center of the lesion grows a large number of black-grained spots arranged in a striated arrangement and bulging, that is, the conidia disc of the pathogen. In the rainy season or the weather is wet, the red mucus - conidia group. A lesion can often spread to 1/3 to 1/2 of the fruit surface, and the number of lesions on the diseased fruit varies from several to dozens, and many can reach hundreds, but only a few lesions are enlarged. The rest stayed in the size of 1 ~ 2mm, with a dark brown slightly depressed spot, the lesions can be fused. In the end, the whole fruit rotted, mostly fell off, and some formed dead fruits on the tree, which became the main source of infection at the beginning of the year. Branch infections occur mostly in old weak branches, diseased branches and dead branches. At the beginning, the skin forms a dark brown, irregularly shaped lesion, which gradually enlarges. The diseased part is ulcerated and cracked, the xylem is exposed, and the surface of the lesion also produces black small particles. In severe cases, all the branches above the diseased part died. If the fruit is infected, the diseased part is dark brown and spreads from the top to the top. In severe cases, the secondary shoots cannot be extracted. After the fruit is harvested, during the packaging, transportation and storage process, if the temperature and humidity conditions are suitable, the fruits of the bacteria will continue to develop, causing a large amount of fruit rot.

Route of transmission and disease conditions

The fungus has latent infestation characteristics. Most of the diseases occur after maturity, and some occur during storage, but not during storage. The pathogens overwinter on the branches of the diseased fruit, the dried branches, the fruit table, the stiff fruit and the stalks. In May of the following year, if the conditions are appropriate, conidia are produced, which are transmitted by rainwater and insects. After the conidia germinate, the germ tube is directly passed through the epidermis or invaded through the lenticels and wounds.

When the disease occurs epidemic, the central disease-causing strain is generally formed in the garden, and then gradually spreads to the surrounding area; the affected plants are mostly infected with the overwintering pathogen, and spread downwards in an umbrella shape, with fragmentation and concentration. More than the external disease, the middle is more than the upper part. The fruits that will continue to develop in the future can become new infection centers. Conidia are repeatedly infested several times a year, sometimes until harvest. The pathogen invades the fruit before harvesting, and the incubation period is 40 to 50 days, and the onset period is during the fruit ripening season.

In the northern apple producing area, the initial stage of fruiting is the initial stage of infection, and the fruit growth stage is the main infesting stage. After the end of the infested period, it enters the onset stage, and the fruit growth stage is the peak period; the southern apple area has the same basic law, but the disease Earlier, it entered the onset of the disease. The conidial germination temperature is 15-40 °C, the optimum temperature is 28-32 °C; the hyphae growth temperature is 12-40 °C, and the optimum temperature is 28 °C; if the temperature is controlled at 10 °C, the disease stops expanding.

The occurrence and epidemic of apple anthracnose are related to climate, cultivation conditions, tree potential and variety. High temperature, high humidity, especially after the rain, is conducive to disease prevalence, so the incidence of early and severe rainfall is heavy. In the growing season, from July to August, the disease is in full bloom, and the disease fruit appears in large numbers. If the temperature is high and the humidity is high during storage, the diseased fruit continues to expand, causing the fruit to rot during storage. The tree is weak, the branches and leaves are dense, the plant spacing is small, the nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the poorly drained land or the soily orchard, the anthracnose disease is serious.

Among the various varieties of apples, the early maturing varieties generally have a milder incidence. Red dragonfly is the least resistant to disease, followed by red jade, Xiangyu, Jinjin, India, Guoguang, Xu, Qinguan, Ganlu, and cockscomb. More resistant to the disease are Marshal, Golden Crown, Red Star, Red Kui, Sheng Niang, Zhu Guang, Liu Yu and so on. However, the resistance performance of different regional varieties is not exactly the same, such as the golden crown in Henan is heavier.

Control method

(1) In areas with serious disease, plant resistant varieties such as Yanqi No. 1 and Yanyan No. 2 were planted.

(2) Strengthen cultivation management and enhance tree potential. Add organic fertilizer, rationally pruning, timely cultivating alfalfa, timely drainage, and reduce the humidity of the orchard.

(3) Thoroughly remove the source of the disease. Combined with pruning, the diseased fruit and diseased fruit are removed, the dry branches and diseased branches are cut off, the diseased skin is scraped off, and the initial diseased fruit of the conidia plate is removed, and the deep-buried or burned is concentrated.

(4) Spraying remover: Spray 5-10% heavy diesel emulsion before the fruit tree is germinated to remove the pathogens on the tree.

(5) Prevention and control of pesticides : mainly in the prevention and treatment of young fruit. After the flower falls, spray 75% chlorothalonil WP 800 times and 80% Mancozeb WP 600-800 times every half month. Before use, it has a certain preventive effect on anthracnose. In the early stage of the disease, optional 25% nitrile emulsifiable concentrate 4000-5000 times, 25% diphenyl ether bicycloxazole water dispersible granules 2000-3000 times, 25% bromobacin emulsifiable concentrate 400-500 times, 50% secluded work wettable powder 1500 Double, 80% anthrax Fumi WP 1500 times 800 times, 50% carbendazim WP 1000 times.

(6) Strengthen the management of storage period. Remove the diseased fruit before storage, pay attention to control the temperature inside the reservoir, especially when the temperature rises during the storage period, strengthen the inspection and remove the diseased fruit in time.

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