>>>Qi family graphic show: floor installation process solution 1) Why is the middle of the living room arched and other parts are not arched? What is the reason? There are many reasons for the arching of the floor The first reason: due to improper use of the floor, the faucet or heating of the kitchen or toilet runs out of water, causing the floor to stay in water for too long, and the floor is subject to moisture expansion and deformation, which can only be arched due to the expansion of the swelling size. The second reason is that when the floor is laid, it is too strict and tight, and the floor is too tight to be expanded with the humidity and humidity, and can only be arched; The third reason is that when the floor is laid, it should be laid against the wall, and a gap of 2cm should be left as a joint. Then it should be covered with footboards. Some consumers should keep the joints as thin as possible even if they are clean. Small pieces of wood, so that the floor can not stretch, only arch! (2) What is the reason for the floor depth? Does it mean that there is no requirement for the content of the national standard as stated by the factory? The cause of the color difference: After each tree is cut, the bark is removed, and macroscopically, the main features of its structure are: sapwood and heartwood; annual rings, earlywood and latewood; ducts and tube holes...etc. Among them, the shades of hearts and sapwood of a great part of wood species are obviously different, and the colors of late wood are also different. Therefore, the color difference is a natural structure of wood and is a natural color. For this reason, the floorboards exported to Europe and Japan are They deliberately want to be color-coded, to be scabbed, so as to show the true nature of nature. This is a different style of pursuit. Due to the different pursuit of style, some colors on the surface of the laminate flooring are deliberately made to have a depth and scab, which makes it more natural. However, as paving workers should pay attention when laying, according to different consumer requirements, if you like the color evenly, you should pick before laying, paving the wood floor with similar color difference, laying the floor of large color difference Under the furniture or on the side of the shop, so that you can meet the different requirements of consumers. Chromatic aberration does not have special requirements in the upcoming new standards. Floor faucet heating furniture
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Analysis of the reason of the arching and color difference of the floor