Vegetable leaf spray method

Leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach and celery should be mainly urea and thiamine. Spray concentration: 2% urea and 1.5% thiamine. Generally, spray once every 10~15 days, spray 2~4 times per season, and add 500 times of vinegar spray when spraying, the effect is better.

Melons and vegetables, various melons, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, pods, etc. should be sprayed with a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or compound fertilizer, spray 1% ~ 2% urea and 2% compound fertilizer solution, generally Spray 1 or 2 times in the early and late stages of growth. In the later stage, 3000~4000 times of 802 solution mixed spray can prevent premature aging.

Root vegetables, garlic, onions, radishes, potatoes, etc., can be used 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, 10% grass ash leaching solution, 2% superphosphate immersion filter, sprayed 3 to 4 times per season.
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