Using foliar spray fertilizer to increase yield

Foliar fertilization is also called top dressing. After general fertilization, the leaf surface fertilizer attachment amount is 30%-60% of the total sprayed amount, and the crop absorption amount is 40%-80% of the attached amount. Vegetable application of foliar fertilizer should pay attention to:

1, preferably after 3 pm to evening (depending on the specific circumstances). At this time, the temperature is low and the humidity is high, which is favorable for the absorption of the blade.

2, both sides of the blade should be sprayed, especially the vegetable leaves with more pores, the back should be sprayed, because the back of the leaf is more than 1 times higher than the front.

3. Adding urea when spraying trace elements can increase the absorption rate of crops and prevent temporary yellowing of crops.

4, can be mixed with pesticide spraying. This can not only prevent pests and diseases, but also achieve the purpose of fertilization, but it should be noted that phosphorus-containing fertilizers generally cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides containing lime.

5, spray concentration should be appropriate. The effect of low concentration is not good, and it is easy to produce fat damage. The quality of the fertilizer applied is better. For example, when the biuret content in urea exceeds 2%, foliar spray fertilizer is prone to poisoning.

6. The demand of nitrogen fertilizer in leafy vegetables is high at each growth stage, and the fertilization of leaf surface should be based on nitrogen fertilizer; the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be balanced in fruit and vegetable, and the mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be used in foliar fertilization; The vegetables of the bulbs and bulbs responded well to the phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and the fertilization of the leaves should be based on phosphorus and potassium.

7. The fertilizer should be fully dissolved and mixed with water before spraying. For example, when applying superphosphate, the superphosphate should be stirred with hot water, and after 24 hours, the supernatant is taken to a concentration of 3% and then sprayed. Zhang Wenqing
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