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Pesticides that cause chemical damage in crops after mixing can not be mixed. Bordeaux mixture and stone flow mixture are used separately to prevent and control a variety of diseases, but they change chemically quickly after mixing, resulting in the formation of dark brown copper sulfide precipitate, which not only destroys the original bactericidal ability of the two agents, but also produces sulfide Copper will further produce copper ions, causing plant defoliation, fruit drop, leaf and fruit to appear burns, or dry shrinkage and other serious phytotoxicity. Therefore, the mixing of these two pesticides will have the opposite effect. Crops sprayed with Bordeaux mixture can only be sprayed with a stone spray agent every 30 days or so. Otherwise, phytotoxicity will occur. Stone mixture and rosin mixture, organic mercury pesticides, soap or heavy metal pesticides cannot be mixed.
Acid-alkaline pesticides cannot be mixed. Commonly used pesticides are generally classified into three categories: acidic, alkaline and neutral. Sodium fluoride lead, lead arsenate, etc. are neutral pesticides. Copper sulfate, sodium fluorosilicate, chalk, superphosphate, etc. are acidic pesticides, rosin mixture, stone flow agent, Bordeaux mixture, aluminum arsenate, soap, lime, lime nitrogen, etc. are alkaline pesticides, acid-alkaline pesticides mixed Together, it will break down the damage, reduce the efficacy, and even cause phytotoxicity. Most organophosphate insecticides such as Lecha, chlorpyrifos, malathion, ammonium phosphate, etc. and some microbial pesticides such as chunleimycin, well Gangumycin, quercetin, etc., as well as pig rice net, daisen zinc, and dysen ammonium, can not be mixed with alkaline pesticides, that is, the application of lime or grass ash to crops, and the above pesticides cannot be sprayed.
Mixed pesticides that are destroyed by emulsions cannot be mixed. Calcium-containing pesticides such as calcium arsenate, stone flow agents, calcium methyl arsenate, and the like. Generally, it cannot be mixed with emulsion pesticides, and soap cannot be added because soaps and emulsifiable concentrates are easy to chemically react with calcium-containing agents, resulting in precipitation of calcium soap, destruction of the emulsion, reduction of efficacy, and phytotoxicity.
Bactericide pesticides cannot be mixed with microbial pesticides. The fungicide has a direct killing effect on microorganisms, and if the mixed microorganism is killed, the microbial pesticide is thus ineffective.
Several unmixable pesticides
Proper mixing of pesticides can enhance the efficacy of the drug. However, improper use of pesticides will reduce the efficacy of pesticides, increase costs, and some may cause phytotoxicity. The pesticides that can not be mixed are introduced as follows:
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