There are four main causes of wheat dead ear, one is wheat total erosion, the other is sheath blight, the third is root rot, and the fourth is scab. Know the reasons for the dead ear of wheat, and then talk about prevention and treatment methods: Wheat total etch After the white spikes were expressed as wheat heading, the wheat ears appeared in the wheat field early, the roots of the wheat turned dark black, the base of the stem became 1-2 knots, and the white ears formed. The total eclipse of wheat is seriously prevented in advance, and it is basically useless once it is used in the late stage of the disease. Before sowing, 80 ml of 3% difenoconazole suspension seed coating agent can be added to water to form 100-150 ml of pulp, and seeds of 10-15 kg or 6% tebuconazole suspension seed coating agent can be treated, 0.03% of the seed amount. After the 0.05% seed dressing pile was suffocated for 6 hours, it was planted in the shade. It is also possible to spray the roots of wheat with 20% triadimefon 500 times solution or 12.5% ​​total etched roots in the 20 to 30 days after sowing of wheat and in the body-raising period, and try not to water the roots before and after root irrigation. The plots with heavy disease should be filled once more, 7-10 days apart. Wheat sheath blight The 1-2 knots of wheat blight of the sheath blight showed a grayish-white color after jointing, and the lesions invaded the stems inward, causing the white ears. The time of fight-fighting should be 10-15% of the diseased planting rate from the green to the jointing stage, 8-10g of water with 5% Jinggangmycin water, 60kg of water or 15% of triazolone, 80g of water, and 60kg of water. Spray again a second time after 7 days. Or acre of 12.5% ​​diniconazole 15 ~ 30 grams + 50% carbendazim 80 ~ 100 grams, or 20% triadimefon (pust rust) 50 ml + 50% carbendazim 80 ~ 100 grams, water 60kg spray stem Base, spray a second time after 7 days. Wheat root rot Wheat root rot is mainly caused by late growth, and the diseased plants are easy to pull up, but the roots are not rotted, causing lodging and forming dead ears. Wheat root rot is easy to prevent and treat, should be prevention-oriented, prevention and treatment methods: pesticide dressing. Seed dressing with 0.2% tebuconazole of seed weight, or 500 ml of 3% difenoconazole 250-300 ml, and mix 50 kg of wheat. It can also be seeded with 0.02% (active ingredient) triazolonone wettable powder, or 12.5% ​​diniconazole wettable powder 60-80g mixed with 50 kg of wheat. Strictly control the appropriate dosage to prevent phytotoxicity. In the early stage of the disease, spray 12.5 to 3,000 times of uridyl alcohol wettable powder, or 10 g of 5% Jinggangmycin water, 40 kg of water, and spray again every 7 to 10 days. Spraying should be sprayed and sprayed thoroughly to make the liquid fully penetrate the roots and stems. Or in the wheat greening to jointing stage, the use of high-efficiency fungicides such as diniconazole 50 ml (plus foliar fertilizer) with water 40 kg spray, spray once every 7 to 10 days, continuous control 2-3 times. In the early stage of wheat flowering, 25% triazolone wettable powder per acre can also be used to control the propanolazole or a half-quantity spray with thiophanate-methyl and carbendazim plus diniconazole. Wheat scab The dead ear caused by Gibberella showed that the white spikes were not strong after the onset of spikelets, while the firm kernels were white and thin. Spray control: prevention and control of wheat scab is mainly based on prevention. The focus is on spraying 50% carbendazim WP 800 times or 60% carbendazim hydrochloride wettable powder 1000 times before the wheat flowering period. , or 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 1000 times solution, or 25% methicillin WP 1000 times solution, or 25% prochloraz 1000 times solution, or 12.5% ​​diniconazole 1500 solution spray. To prevent the death of wheat, in addition to the above targeted drugs, we must also do a good job of wheat "one spray three defense." The wheat "one spray three defense" formula is now listed for your reference: Wheat "one spray three defense" medication combination 1. Use 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 20g plus 2.5% high-efficiency bifloxacin water emulsion 80ml plus 45% tebuconazole? Prochloraz 25g plus 98% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 100g plus brassinolide Lactone 8 ml. It is mainly used to control aphids, scab, powdery mildew, and to treat larvae, rust, leaf blight, dry hot wind. (wheat ears) 2, with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 20 g plus 4.5% beta-cypermethrin EC 80 ml plus 50% carbendazim WP 80 g plus 98% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 100 g plus brassinolide 8 ml. It is mainly used to control mites and scab, and to treat sputum, powdery mildew, leaf blight, rust, dry hot wind. (wheat strip rust) 3, acre of 2.5% bifenthrin water emulsion 80 ml plus 25% cymene suspension 10 ml plus 98% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 100 g. It is mainly used to control aphids and scab, and to treat both larvae, rust, powdery mildew, leaf blight, dry hot wind. (wheat dry hot air) 4, acre with 22% thiamethoxam? high chlorofluorosuspension 8 ml plus 15% triazolone wettable powder 70 g plus 98% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 100 g. It is mainly used to control aphids and powdery mildew, and to treat both larvae, scab, rust, leaf blight, dry hot wind. The above formula can be reasonably matched according to the occurrence characteristics of wheat pests and diseases in each place, and 50 kg of water per acre is sprayed. In case of rain within 3-6 hours after application, it should be promptly rectified. For wheat powdery mildew, rust-prone rice buckwheat area and high-fertilizer water block, polymycin or ether oxystrobin can be added. Add silicone additives to improve adhesion and permeability when applying rainy weather or over-density wheat fields. Magnetic screen windows have revolutionized the way we enjoy fresh air and keep insects out of our homes. These innovative screens are designed with a magnetic closure system, allowing for easy entry and exit while effectively sealing off any gaps. Made from durable and high-quality materials, magnetic screen windows provide a reliable barrier against bugs, mosquitoes, and other unwanted pests. 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The wheat has been used for 3 times, and there are still many dead ears.