Quantum technology opens up new ways for computer miniaturization. Fraunhofer researchers in Germany have recently developed a quantum sensor applied under a micro-magnetic field that can be applied to the identification of future computer hard disks. Integrated circuits have become more and more complex. The latest Pentium processor can now hold about 30 million transistors. The successful development of nitrogen atom quantum sensors can be used for future computer hard disk identification and brain wave measurement The magnetic structure in hard disk drives can be recognized in the range of only 10 to 20 nanometers, which is smaller than the 80 to 120 nanometers of influenza virus. Fraunhofer developed a quantum sensor developed by researchers from the Institute of Solid State Physics (IAF) and colleagues at the Maple Institute of Technology, which can be used to accurately identify computer hard disks under microscopic magnetic fields. This quantum sensor has only nitrogen atoms and the carrier material is synthetic diamond. Fraunhofer IAF has developed optimized devices for the manufacture of synthetic diamonds decades ago. However, new quantum sensors require particularly pure crystals. For this reason, researchers have further improved the manufacturing process and purified methane gas with zirconium filters to obtain ultra-clean artificial diamond coatings. There are two ways to make a structure that has only nitrogen atoms: directly implant a single nitrogen atom, or add nitrogen in the final step of diamond growth. This time, the research team created a very fine diamond tip in an ultraclean laboratory by oxygen plasma etching. The trick is to introduce nitrogen atoms between adjacent vacancies in the lattice. The center of the nitrogen vacancy is the actual sensor, which emits light when irradiated with a laser beam and microwaves, and changes in light when approaching a magnetic field. Experts said that the accuracy of this type of nitrogen atom sensor for detecting nano-scale magnetic fields is high and has an amazing potential for application. For example, it can act as a quantum sensor to control the quality of the hard drive and detect defective data segments in the mass data. Fraunhofer IAF expert Christophe said that this quantum sensor can also measure brain waves. Remote Diagnosis,Dell Remote Diagnosis,Remote Diagnostic System,Remote Diagnostic Connections Jiaozuo Huafei Electronic & Electric Co., Ltd. , https://www.intelligentmine.com
The development of nitrogen atom quantum sensors