Some factors to consider in floor color matching

The color of the floor should set off the color of the furniture and decoration. The floor has a relatively long service life and will not be replaced frequently. Therefore, the neutral color is generally used. Specifically, the color and pattern of the floor need to consider the following factors:

Room lighting conditions

The room lighting conditions limit the choice of floor colors.

Rooms with good lighting have a wide range of options, both in depth and depth.

For rooms with low floors and insufficient lighting, attention should be paid to the use of brighter, better-colored floor materials and to avoid the use of darker materials as much as possible.

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Housing size

Color affects people's visual effects, warm colors are expanded colors, and cold colors are shrink colors.

Therefore, the floor of the room with a small area should be chosen from the cool color of dark colors, or the simple and bright floor, giving people the feeling of expanding the area.

If you choose a warm color floor, it will make the space more narrow and increase the sense of depression.

In addition, in the choice of color, should be inclined to small texture or ruled effect, avoid large and chaotic patterns.

Friends who prefer white flooring recommend grayish flooring.

Nowadays, many families like to use white floors and hope to have a peaceful home atmosphere.

It is recommended to use a lighter color such as the grayish white color, which will give people a feeling of tranquility and will not cause the wall color to be light and heavy.

The yellow floor is suitable for green walls.

Some families prefer to use a slightly yellow floor. The walls use the law of "adjacent colors". You can pick the green color adjacent to yellow, so you can create a very warm atmosphere.

1) It is suitable to use pink tone ivory

2) The deep-colored floor has a strong appeal and expressiveness, with distinct personality characteristics.

3) If the color of the floor with a reddish tone gives a strong feeling, if the wall is painted again with a thick paint, it will appear uncomfortable.

4) But with ivory colors in pink tones, there will be a sense of unity with the dark brown floor.

Some heads of household are willing to match the white walls with dark brown floors, which makes the floor appear dark.

If the wall is chosen to be the beige color of cashmere, the colors of the walls and the floor will be more easily accessible and the space will be larger.

Links: Choose the details of the plasterboard

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