A team of researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles has created a low-cost device that can use natural cooling to generate electricity. This cooling phenomenon is called radiant cooling. The team used this phenomenon to produce renewable energy at night, and they said they could adapt to provide low-cost electricity to people around the world who have no access to electricity. The conceptual device created by the researchers can be used as an independent technology or in combination with solar energy, which generates electricity during the day and night. Radiant cooling refers to the process by which objects dissipate heat energy through radiation. Some heat eventually reaches the upper atmosphere and then enters space. The team's new radiant sky cooling technology captures some of the heat in the surrounding air and converts it into electrical energy. This effect always occurs naturally, but it is especially common on clear nights. The result is that objects that spray heat will be slightly cooler than the ambient temperature. The equipment created by the team uses parts purchased at hardware and electronics stores, and costs less than $ 30. The equipment created by the team was installed on the roof of the building and used an aluminum plate painted black on one side and the black side facing the sky. The disc is used to radiate the heat emitted by the surrounding air. Thermoelectric generators are used to generate voltages in response to temperature differences. The team stated that the device can generate up to 25 milliwatts per square meter, enough to power a single LED bulb. Scientists say it can be used by users who are off-grid to generate electricity at night or cannot obtain batteries. The team believes that using better components, it can generate up to 0.5 watts per square meter, enough to charge the phone overnight. Apply to: Nordberg Jaw Crusher Parts,Nordberg Jaw Plate, Metso C63,C80,C96,C95,C100,C106,C105,C110,C125,C140,C145, C160, C200, Metso C Jaw Crusher Spare Parts,Crusher Spare Parts,Nordberg Crusher Spare Parts,Nordberg C Jaw Crusher Spare Parts Ma An Shan Shi Bo Da Jing Shen Machinery Co.,ltd , https://www.bodamachinery.com
Main material: high manganese steel, chrome-manganese (Mn13, Mn13Cr2, Mn18, Mn18Cr2), Carbide
Casting Process: water glass sand casting and lost foam casting process
Adapt materials: river gravel, granite, basalt, iron ore, limestone, quartz, diabase,gold, copper, etc.
Applications: quarry gravel, concrete mixing station, dry mortar, desulfurization plant, quartz sand.
Researchers use natural cooling to obtain low-cost power