Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Energy, American Society of Metals Heat Treatment Society, Metal Processing Association, China Society of Mechanical Engineering Heat Treatment Society (translation) wear-resisting 0.30ml/rev Gear Pump Titanium Nitride Coated 0.30Ml/Rev Gear Pump,Positive Displacement Pump,Micro Magnetic Drive Gear Pumps,Micro Electromagnetic Drive Gear Pump Suzhou Macxi Fluid Technology Co.,Ltd. ,
Editor's Note: This is the report of the "Heat Treatment Industrial Vision" seminar of the "Future Heat Treatment" Technology Development Planning Project of the United States in 1996. The report briefly introduces the main points of the planning project, describes the basic characteristics of heat treatment and the status quo of heat treatment in the United States, looks forward to the prospect of heat treatment in 2020, and enumerates the challenges faced by the heat treatment industry. It is worthy of reference and discussion in the domestic heat treatment industry. The US Heat Treatment Technology Roadmap was developed for this vision. Limited to the translator level, the translation is inevitably inappropriate, please criticize and correct.
What advanced technologies will be used by heat treatment manufacturers by 2020? How do these advanced technologies enable heat treatment manufacturers to meet customer needs while maintaining competitiveness and profitability?
How will the policy and regulations require heat treatment manufacturers?
Will the government give support or become an obstacle?
This is the 20th elite from the heat treatment plant or workshop, professional heat treatment plant, equipment manufacturer and supplier. The American Society of Metals Society Heat Treatment Society, Metal Processing Association and the US Department of Energy Industrial Technology Division invited February 27~28, 1996. Part of the issue discussed during the Chicago meeting.
Prior to the first meeting, the Department of Energy had determined that seven industrial sectors used 80% of manufacturing energy and produced 90% of industrial waste. The seven industries are: forestry, steel, chemical, aluminum, oil refining, glass, metal foundry and recognize that “as long as it involves metal, it is related to heat treatment.†The Department of Energy is very concerned about how to help heat treatment manufacturers do more. Efficient and better problems.
The purpose of the “Future Industry†program is not to provide research funding, but to understand the future needs of the industry and to take advantage of the strong research capabilities of the National Laboratory.
This vision report is the result of a consensus reached at the Chicago meeting. The “Technology Roadmap†for developing a development strategy to achieve this vision will be completed and implemented in October 1997.
“Future Heat Treatment†Planning Project The US Department of Energy's Industrial Technology Division decided to work with the American Society of Metals Heat Treatment Society and Metal Processing Association to draft a vision and technology roadmap for the heat treatment industry, which will be integrated with the vision of other industries to form an energy department and heat treatment. The industrial implementation plan is mainly to clarify the key technical needs of the heat treatment industry.
The purpose of the “Future Industry†planning project is to clarify the major challenges and opportunities facing the industry as a strategic vision to identify long-term market and technology needs. Focusing the limited resources of governments and enterprises on priority research projects to provide a mobilizing country The ability to adapt to the needs of technology to strengthen the human resources and education of the heat treatment industry as a lever to enhance R&D. Organize and coordinate the involvement of enterprises to fully utilize existing research projects to reduce technical and financial risks and establish and maintain global leadership to concentrate limited resources." Future Heat Treatment" Planning Vision Workshop 2/1996 Completion Vision Report 9/1996 Technical Roadmap 5/1997 Implementation 10/19971
1. Heat treatment process
Heat treatment is a process of heating and cooling metals under tight control to improve performance, serviceability and longevity. Heat treatment can be used for a variety of different purposes. Soften the metal to improve its processing properties; harden the part to increase its strength; harden the surface of the relatively soft part to improve its wear resistance; form a corrosion-resistant layer on the surface of the part; and toughen the brittle product .
Heat treated parts are required for cars, airplanes, spacecraft, computers and all kinds of heavy equipment. Saws, axes, cutting tools, bearings, gears, shafts, fasteners, camshafts and crankshafts are all heat treated.
Although steel accounts for the majority of all heat-treated materials, non-ferrous alloys such as aluminum, copper, magnesium, nickel and titanium also require heat treatment.
The heat treatment process has three basic steps: heating to a specific temperature; maintaining it at this temperature for a suitable period of time; and cooling as specified. The temperature can be as high as 1300 ° C, and the holding time can be as short as a few seconds or as long as 60 hours. Some materials are slowly cooled with the furnace, while others must be rapidly cooled or "quenched". (Some cryogenic treatment temperatures are below 84 ° C or even lower.) Quenching media are water, brine, oil, polymer solutions, molten salts, molten metal and gases. Each medium has its own characteristics for a certain purpose. However, 90% of the parts are quenched in water, oil, gas or polymer solutions.
2. Today's heat treatment heat treatment adds $15 billion worth of metal products annually by giving specific properties required for normal service.
Heat treatment is closely related to the manufacture of steel products: approximately 80% of the heat treated parts are made of steel. These include bars and tubes produced by rolling mills, as well as parts that are cast, forged, welded, machined, rolled, stamped, drawn or extruded.
Heat treatment is also an important process in the manufacture of non-ferrous alloy products. For example, aluminum alloy automotive castings are heat treated to improve hardness and strength; brass and bronze parts are heat treated to increase strength to prevent cracking; titanium alloy parts are heat treated to improve high temperature strength.
The heat treatment industry currently employs approximately 140,000 people, 90% of which are in heat treatment plants or workshops in the mainframe plant and 10% in specialized heat treatment plants. The heat treatment plant or workshop is attached to a large factory, such as a rolling mill or an auto parts factory. The professional heat treatment plant is an independent company that serves many different customers.
In about 700 specialized heat treatment plants, each company employs approximately 30 people and the average wage of production workers is approximately $12 per hour. The production tasks of professional heat treatment plants are likely to increase in the next few years, as manufacturers have shut down their own affiliated heat treatment plants or workshops to solve their heat treatment tasks through outsourcing.
3. Future heat treatment prospects By 2020, the heat treatment industry is known for its product quality. The product quality fluctuates according to international standards, and at the same time it can also obtain lucrative profits. Various processes achieve zero emissions and energy efficiency is increased by 80%. Heat treatment has become a core component of the manufacturing industry, forming long-term relationships with customers, suppliers, universities and governments. In addition to metallic materials, composites, intermetallic compounds and all other advanced materials can be processed. The working environment is clean, comfortable and safe, and the workers are well trained and master advanced technology.
Established a global standard system for materials, heat treated parts, safe production and the environment.
The subsidiary heat treatment plant or workshop becomes the core of the added value of the product, characterized by mastering advanced technology, well-trained workers and low operating costs.
Professional heat treatment plants are characterized by high profit margins, and the return on assets generally reaches 25%. It is mainly based on small businesses employing 30 people.
Larger specialized heat treatment plants offer a wide range of processing services including machining, surface coating or other subsequent processing in addition to heat treatment. Some heat treatment manufacturers maintain close relationships with large manufacturers (especially the automotive and aerospace industries) and are solely responsible for the operation of the heat treatment process in the customer's production line.
Maintain a long-term ten-year relationship with customers so that heat treatment manufacturers can participate in the early product design phase. This has enabled customers and heat treatment manufacturers to achieve shorter cycle times and lower costs.
Both affiliated and specialized heat treatment plants increase productivity, reduce energy consumption, and improve environmental performance through increased production capacity and energy efficient processes.
The environmental impact of the heat treatment process has been reduced to zero. The quenching medium is non-polluting and non-flammable. The fully enclosed circulation system is standard. Chemical, heat and gas emissions have been reduced to zero.
The role of the government has been further enhanced. The government has formulated an incentive tax policy to promote the growth and modernization of professional heat treatment plants, thereby achieving the effect of attracting investment and encouraging bank loans. Governments at all levels have abandoned all kinds of complicated and trivial. Collaborative projects between companies and governments have promoted technological advances in heat treatment. Work with government regulators to identify mutually acceptable, safe and environmentally friendly labor environments. Legal reforms have eliminated cumbersome litigation, reduced legal costs, and made companies no longer worried about legal disputes that caused trouble when they tried new technologies.
The heat-treating employee's working environment is safe, comfortable and tidy. With a flexible work system, all workers can move between different jobs to improve job satisfaction. Both employers and employees can find mutually satisfactory solutions to problems.
4. Challenges for heat treatment To achieve the vision, heat treatment faces challenges in technology, government, profit margins, customers, industry structure and human resources.
On the technical side, research is needed to develop more efficient furnaces, more durable furnace materials, more precise process control and better quenching media.
Future human resources are another major challenge. Heat treatment is to attract talents who can learn well and train them to be well-trained employees in neat and safe jobs.
It is necessary to reduce the government's rules and regulations to promote the development of heat treatment in North America. Although some are necessary, many are purely time-consuming and ineffective. It is necessary to replace confrontation with cooperation and promote enterprises to develop technologies that ensure the safety and environmental protection of the working environment. Legal reforms are needed so that when developing new products, there is no longer any legal disputes that cause trouble. This will reduce costs and make the company more globally competitive.
We must increase profit margins to attract capital to promote technological progress. This gives companies the ability to collaborate with universities and national laboratories to fund aggressive R&D projects.
Establish relationships with customers early in the product design phase. This means that customers are required to accept heat treatment manufacturers as participants in the choice of materials and processes throughout the design process.
It is necessary to pay attention to the industry structure problem in 2020. Many manufacturers today outsource a part of the manufacturing process. If this trend continues, it is likely that the heat treatment will only be a special section of the entire production line. Such "heat treatment modules" are solely responsible for the independent heat treatment manufacturer.
It is also very likely that the situation is due to the fact that only a few professional heat treatment manufacturers survived the acquisition, merger or bankruptcy. Some heat treatment manufacturers will integrate vertically to increase machining, plating and other subsequent processing. Another trend is that many small heat treatment manufacturers will only do very narrow business and only do very specific processes.
5 Conclusion
By 2020, many of the technical challenges facing heat treatment today have been overcome. A deeper understanding of materials and processes, and more stringent control of the process. All processes are environmentally friendly. Computer control and robots provide a clean and comfortable working environment for both annual and time employees. In order to use and maintain these advanced equipment, heat treatment employees are among the most technically capable in the manufacturing industry.
However, heat treatment faces enormous challenges in terms of training and partnerships. Young people’s lack of understanding of heat treatment may lead to the exhaustion of reserve talent resources. Heat treatment manufacturers want to make a difference in improving the profitability of all product manufacturers, and fully recognize the importance of maintaining close cooperation with customers and suppliers. Meeting these challenges requires the cooperation of the business community, industry associations, governments and academia.
Looking into the development of 2020 heat treatment industry