Huifeng company combines three major technological plans to achieve significant energy savings

Combined with the “three major technological plans” of Ordnance Industry Group Corporation, China Weapons Industry Group Huifeng Company has continuously eliminated backward processes, improved process technology, and improved the utilization of raw materials.

Firstly, the production process of a large number of product shells and typical aluminum shell parts is improved from the “skin dug core” bar stock cutting process to the “extrusion molding” process, so that the corresponding parts’ material utilization rates are respectively 16% and 23% increase to 33% and 42%.

The second is through process improvement, aluminum chips produced in the processing process formulated into die-cast aluminum alloy, instead of part of the aluminum alloy raw materials, production of aluminum alloy drill collar front clamp, the rational use of waste aluminum scrap, reducing raw material consumption. Only through the above two process improvements will save more than 17.4 million yuan for the company.


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