FEP Silicon Encapsulated O Ring Encapsulated O-rings under [SEALMANN" Fep Silicon Encapsulated O Ring,Fep Silicone,Pump O Ring,Chemical Resistant O Rings Ningbo FLK Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.flk-global.com
December 2010 Henan Hengxiang Diamond Abrasive Co., Ltd. In the 2011 production materials procurement bidding of Guangdong Benlang New Materials Co., Ltd., the company won the bid with many excellent performance indicators, good evaluation and stable quality. Obtained the 2011 full-year order of Guangdong Benlang New Materials Co., Ltd., becoming the strategic partner of Guangdong Benlang Company and the largest supplier of diamond powder and broken material.
t r a d e m a r k , a r e a v a i l a b l e i n F E P a n d P FA f o r
encapsulation material and fluoro rubber and silicone
rubber for core material, with characteristics of great
corrosion resistance, compliance of environmental and
hygienic requirements and suitability for wide range of
w o r k i n g t e m p e r a t u r e s , p l u s e x c e l l e n t s e a l i n g
performance and durability for almost all chemical
media. They are widely used in pumps, valves, filters,
medical equipment, chemical containers, pipe flanges
and mechanical seals etc.
Henan Hengxiang won the bid for Guangdong Benlang 2011 production materials procurement bidding
Congratulations to Henan Hengxiang Diamond Abrasive Co., Ltd. for winning the bid for the 2011 production materials procurement of Guangdong Benlang New Materials Co., Ltd.