Tobacco seeds are small, seedlings grow slowly, and are often endangered by weeds. Weeds mainly include: foxtail, thousand gold, marmot, goosegrass, maiden, ox, sedge, piglet, sorghum, car front Grass, dandelion, etc. Control of weeds in tobacco fields can be divided into seedbed control and field control. And 50% dichlorfen WP is the best choice for controlling weeds in tobacco fields. According to some pesticide test the efficacy trials did show: 50% napropamide WP comprehensive fresh weight of weeds in tobacco fields more than 90%, the basic control weeds on tobacco. The specific methods of use and dosage are different for different growth periods of tobacco fields: 1. When weeding seedbed weeds, generally use soil treatment before sowing, that is, 3 to 5 days before sowing, the dosage is 100~120g/667m2, 50kg of water, fully shaken, evenly sprayed on the surface of the soil.耙 mixed soil 5cm deep, then seeded 'can also be used after sowing seedlings before application, that is, 50% dichlorfen wettable powder 100 ~ 150g / 667m2, 50kg water, fully shaken and sprayed on the surface. 2, in the control of tobacco field weeds can be treated before the transplanted soil, 3 to 5 days before the seedlings, with 50% dichlorfen WP 100 ~ 200g / 667m2, 50kg water, evenly sprayed in the whole field 3 to 5 days, the soil is mixed 5cm deep, and then the seedlings are moved; in addition, the seedlings can be sprayed after spraying, and within 5 to 7 days after the seedlings are moved, the tobacco seedlings have survived, using 50% dichlorpyrifos wettable powder 100-150g /667m2, 50kg water, evenly sprayed with seedlings on the surface. 50% dichlorfen WP has high activity, and the dosage is only half of that of Dahuili, and the safety factor is even greater. The growth and development of tobacco seedlings is safe, and the effect of increasing yield is significant. After application, the soil is adsorbed and will not be washed away or leaked by rain. The half-life in the soil is 15 days with no environmental pollution. It is safe for crops and crops such as wheat, cotton, soybeans and peanuts. However, crops such as beets, celery, sorghum, corn, and fennel are more sensitive to dichlorpyrifos. It is not advisable to plant the crops within 3 months. Please pay attention when using them. Wood Timber frame house has been built millions of times in North America. They are strong, warm, durable, energy-efficient, Timber Frame Homes,Portable House,Mobile Homes,Passive House Dalian Quacent New Building Materials Co.,Ltd. ,
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Diquat to help tobacco field weeding