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/*728*90 created on 2018/5/16*/ var cpro_id = "u3440131"; Home>Bearing knowledge>Details of heat treatment skills of imported bearings Detailed discussion on the heat treatment skills of imported bearings
The thermal treatment of imported bearings is mainly indicated in the following aspects: the discussion of the basic theory of heat treatment, the discussion of heat treatment technology and application skills, the development of new heat treatment equipment and related skills. The quality of heat treatment of imported bearing parts is controlled throughout the machinery. The industry is the most severe import heat treatment of imported bearings in the past 20 years has made great progress. /*250*250 was created on 2017/12/25*/ var cpro_id = 'u3171089';
A heat treatment is also a major power consumer and a major polluter in the machinery industry. These years; the quality of heat treatment is directly related to the subsequent processing quality, resulting in the end of the impact of the use of parts and life. Follow the advancement of scientific skills and its hot The use of disposal; the development of heat treatment skills is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. Implementation of sanitary heat treatment (or green environmental heat treatment) One of the directions for the development of heat treatment skills in developed countries. To reduce the emissions of SO2 CO CO2 dust and cinder; the heat treatment, heat treatment, waste water, waste gas, waste salt Dust, noise, electromagnetic radiation, etc. will all pollute the environment. Disposal of environmental pollution problems of heat disposal. The use of coal as fuel has been fundamentally eliminated; the use of heavy oil is also less and less; the use of light oil is mostly; It is the most ideal fuel. The waste heat application of the incinerator has reached a very high level; the optimization of the layout of the incinerator and the strict control of the air-fuel ratio ensure the rational incineration; the reduction of NOX and CO to the minimum limit, the use of gas carburizing , carbonitriding and vacuum heat treatment skills instead of salt bath disposal to reduce the waste salt and CN-toxic substances on the water source pollution, the choice of water-soluble quenching oil instead of some quenching oil; the use of biodegradable vegetable oil instead of some mineral oil Cut oil pollution.
2, the use of physical metallurgy common sense and leading computer simulation and testing skills; fine heat treatment of fine heat treatment has two aspects: on the one hand is based on the application of parts, materials, layout scale. Optimize process parameters; reach the required functions Or maximally limit the potential of the material, on the other hand, to ensure the stability of the optimized process; the product quality dispersion is small (or zero) and the thermal treatment distortion is zero.
3. Establishing a professional heat treatment plant to ensure full-load production and abundant development of equipment can be the selection of scientific management. Thermal disposal power layout; energy-saving heat treatment science production and power management are the most promising elements of dynamic use. Priority Select a power, use waste heat and waste heat, and use a process with low energy consumption and short cycle to replace the process with long cycle and high energy consumption.
4. The function of the parts after heat treatment is improved; the treatment without oxidation heat is heated by the choice of protective atmosphere instead of the oxidizing atmosphere to control the carbon potential and the nitrogen potential in a controlled atmosphere. The heat treatment disadvantages such as decarburization and cracking are greatly reduced. Reduction of finishing allowance after heat treatment; improved material utilization rate and machining power. Vacuum heating gas quenching, vacuum or low pressure carburizing, nitriding, nitrocarburizing and boronizing can significantly improve quality, Reduce distortion and improve life.
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Detailed discussion on the heat treatment skills of imported bearings
Source: Bearing network time: 2013-10-10