Complete mechanical properties of stainless steel 301

Mechanical Properties

Typical mechanical properties for grade 301 stainless steels are given in table A.

Table A. Mechanical properties of 301 grade stainless steel

Grade 301 Temper ASTM A666Tensile Strength (MPa) min.Yield Strength 0.2% Proof (MPa) min.Elongation (% in 50mm) (thick.>0.76mm) min.Bend Test (thickness > 1.27mm)

Bend Angle (°)Factor


1/16 Hard620310401801

1/8 Hard690380401801

1/4 Hard86051525902

1/2 Hard103576018902

3/4 Hard120593012903

Full Hard12759659905

Bend test is around a diameter of the Bend Factor multiplied by the steel thickness.

Physical Properties

Typical physical properties for grade 301 stainless steels are given in table B.

Table B. Physical properties of 301 grade stainless steel

GradeDensity (kg/m3) Elastic Modulus (GPa)Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (mm/m/°C) Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)Specific Heat 0-100°CElectrical Resistivity (nW.m)

0-100°C0-315°C0-538°Cat 100°Cat 500°C (J/kg.K)


Possible Alternative Grades

304 The lower work hardening rate of 304 is acceptable, giving better ductility required for forming.

316 A higher corrosion resistance is required, and the lower work hardening rate of 316 can be compensated for.

Corrosion Resistance

Corrosion resistance is similar to that of 304. Good resistance in applications involving external exposure to mildly corrosive conditions at ambient temperatures.

Heat Resistance

Good oxidation resistance in intermittent service to 840°C and in continuous service to 900°C, although not usually chosen for this environment.

Heat Treatment

Solution Treatment (Annealing) - Heat to 1010-1120°C and cool rapidly. Use low side of range for intermediate annealing. This grade cannot be hardened by thermal treatment.

Cold Working

Grade 301 and its low carbon variants are used where a high strength stainless steel is required. The grades work harden at the very high rate of approximately 14MPa/% Ra (14MPa increase in tensile strength for each 1% reduction of area of ​​cold work) The strain-hardened austenite is at least partially transformed to martensite by this work. Despite the high strengths achieved there is still enough residual ductility to enable severely Magnetic in the annealed condition, when cold worked the grade became strongly attracted to a magnet.


Welds in Grade 301 must be annealed for maximum corrosion resistance; this is not necessary in 301L or 301LN. Welding and post weld annealing will both remove high strength induced by prior cold Rolling.

Spot welding is commonly used to assemble cold rolled 301 components. The very small heat affected zone associated with this rapid welding technique results in little reduction of overall component strength.


Typical applications include:

Rail car structural components - often roll formed, brake pressed or stretch formed to profiles but also used flat.

· Airframe sections

· Highway trailer components

· Automotive wheel covers

· Wiper blade holders and clips

· Toaster springs

· Stove element clips

· Screen frames

· Curtain walls

Global hardware network

Concerned about surprises

Label: Stainless steel 301

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