Chinese salt is contaminated by micro-plastics? Expert clarification: serious inaccuracy

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Recently, a research report on the discovery of micro-plastics in common salt in China has been widely reported and reprinted by domestic and foreign media, causing public discussion and concerns about salt safety. In this regard, Li Daoji, an expert at the earliest research on micro-plastics in the marine environment and a professor at the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research at East China Normal University, said that it is necessary to clarify the relevant facts in order to solve the society's concerns about salt consumption.

A WeChat has recently been particularly hot, saying that on October 29th, the US "Scientific American" monthly website reported that researchers analyzed the common salt of 15 brands purchased from supermarkets across China. Polyethylene terephthalate was found for the production of ordinary plastic water bottles, as well as polyethylene, cellophane and many other plastics. Among them, sea salt is the most polluted by plastics. According to reports, there are more than 1,200 plastic particles per pound of sea salt. Salt obtained from salt lakes, salt wells and salt mines, although low in plastic particles, is also between 15 and 800 per pound of salt.

“Marine plastic pollution is a global environmental problem.” Professor Li Daoji said that research shows that 192 coastal countries in the world only imported about 400 to 12.7 million tons of plastic waste into the ocean in 2010, and the ocean has almost become a “plastic”. world".

Professor Li Daoji said that the problem of marine plastic waste pollution has aroused great concern from all countries in the world, especially coastal countries. Since 2007, China has also started routine monitoring of marine garbage including plastic waste. The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research of East China Normal University first carried out research on micro-plastic pollution in the Yangtze River estuary and the East China Sea. Then studied the marine micro-plastics on the southern coast of China and several estuaries in the east. The results showed that the surface of the seawater micro-plastics The quantity accounts for more than 90% of the samples obtained, and microplastics are ubiquitous in the estuary and coastal waters. The laboratory's researchers also studied the contamination of micro-plastics in sea salt, with a primary focus on the way marine micro-plastics enter the human food web. Salt in our country is only an example in this study. The study was accepted and published online by the international environmental science journal Environmental Science & Technology. According to an online paper, Science American published a news report on Chinese salt containing micro-plastics. The title and some of the texts highlight "Chinese salt" and "Chinese consumers", and do not rule out the purpose of attracting readers. Moreover, the data on micro-plastics referenced in this report is seriously inaccurate. The maximum amount of sea salt containing micro-plastic particles per kilogram is 681, and the media reports are about 1200 per pound (should be 308 per pound), and the data in the paper. It does not match the point of view.

Professor Li said that in fact, there have been a lot of reports on the discovery of micro-plastics in the environment or food in European and American countries. For example, the researchers found that German beer contains up to 150 pieces per liter of microplastics, and honey has up to 400 micro-plastics per kilogram. “Microplastics may also be present in salt in other countries or regions, and may also be present in other products around us, even in airborne dust. From brushing your teeth early to applying cream, you may be in contact with microplastics all the time. Because part of the toothpaste Plastic microbeads have been added to cosmetic products," said Professor Li, in contrast to the possibility of obtaining microplastics from salt. Due to the complexity of the exposure route and the difficulty of detection, it is currently impossible to estimate how much plastic an ordinary person will consume in daily life. Therefore, the public does not need to worry too much about the salt containing micro-plastics. The inclusion of micro-plastics in salt is just one example of the impact of micro-plastics on our living products, and it is only a warning to each of us.

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