Who invented the spring?

The spring is an elastic element that uses the elasticity and structural characteristics of the material to maintain the specified relationship between deformation and load. Springs are also often used in life, such as our commonly used pens, slingshots, etc. Springs are mechanical parts that work with elasticity. Generally made of spring steel. It is widely used in machines and meters to control the motion of parts, ease impact or vibration, store energy, and measure the size of force. The types of springs are complex and varied. According to the shape, there are coil springs, scroll springs, plate springs, and stainless steel springs.
The spring is just an accumulator. It has the function of storing energy, but it can't release the energy slowly. To realize the slow release, the function should be realized by the “Spring + Larger Ratio Mechanism”, common in mechanical watches.
Springs have been used very early and long ago. Ancient bows and gongs are two springs in a broad sense. The strict inventor of the spring should be the British scientist Robert Hooke. Although spiral compression springs were already present and widely used, Hooke proposed "Hooke's Law" - the amount of spring elongation and acceptance. The force is proportional to the size of the force, it is in accordance with this principle, in 1776, the use of spiral compression spring spring scale came out. Soon, the springs used for watches built on this principle were also invented by Hooke himself. And the spring that meets "Hook's law" is the real spring.

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