Video Abstract Generation Theory and Process Analysis

With the rapid development of multimedia and computer network technologies, the application of multimedia content-based access, retrieval and interactive operations has become more and more widespread. Video, as the most abundant media type and content in various media, is increasingly favored by users. However, the richness of video content is at the expense of unstructured video data and huge amounts of data. Therefore, it is impossible to directly perform content-based extraction on video data. How to efficiently and quickly analyze and extract content that is of interest to the user in the video media is the key to the rapid search and filtering.

What is a video summary, we can analyze through a metaphor. As we all know, the abstract of an article gives a high degree of generalization to this article. Through the abstract of the article, we can basically understand the main contents of the full text. We use the abstract of the text to make a preliminary selection of the literature, and then we make an accuracy of the articles we are interested in. .

For the summary of the video, we can understand the analysis of the structure and content of the video, extract the meaningful part from the original video file, and combine it in a certain way to form a concise enough to fully represent the video content. The summary is a short summary of long video content. It is usually represented by a static or dynamic image sequence and the original information is retained.

From the above analysis, the theoretical basis of video abstraction is to remove redundant information from both time and space domains and incorporate video indexing technology. Provides people with a more refined key information that summarizes the main content of the original video but is much shorter in length than the original video.

Then, based on this theory, let's discuss the video summary generation process.

Before we do this, let's start with a few concepts. A video is a mixed media in which multiple still pictures (picture frames) and continuous audio information move synchronously on a time axis. A multi-frame picture changes with time and produces a sense of motion. Therefore, the video is also called a moving picture. The video keyframe refers to a series of image frames in a video file, which has a strong representativeness and can accurately and comprehensively reflect the picture frame of one shot or even the entire video content.

The video summary technology should mainly include three major technical points: video content extraction, summary synthesis, and summary performance.

Any video summary algorithm should follow the principle of "first and last". To comprehend and analyze video content, video must first be divided into reasonable basic units. These basic units include scenes, shots, key frames, and elements. , track, etc. Using pattern recognition or video structure detection methods, the acquisition can be directly processed by the computer. Or information that can be directly felt by human perception. This is the process of extracting video content.

The synthesis of the summary should be able to be combined with video indexing technology, etc., through the playback speed, trajectory density and other parameters, the important elements are combined together to recast video clips to form some form of video stream.

The summary performance is based on content-based video retrieval and analysis, taking into account the human perception and ease of navigation. Its browsing methods include a video summary and a single event track summary.

For video summary analysis, its ultimate goal is to make computer vision reach or approach the human visual level. Due to the complexity of video content and the diversity of human understanding, it is difficult to generate a complete, accurate and satisfactory video summary. At present, there is still a gap between the visual level of the computer and the human visual ability. But overall, the video summary is developing in a more advanced direction, with broad research space and great application value.

Overshot Assembly

Overshot go into the heart of the drill pipe, the slider move up, make the tube socket head can be inserted into the center, when on the slider move up tight, using friction lift drill, remove loose again after the slider, by means of the connection string to slide along the block should tighten, set aside the center pipe, but in front of the salvage must first determine the bit in the bottom of the hole position, can be in a thin plate with bolts tight end of drill pipe, Drop the drill pipe to the bottom of the hole and press it on the drill bit. After waiting for a moment, it is proposed that the relative position of the drill bit at the bottom of the hole and the center of the rotary plate of the drill can be determined by observing the indentation left by the center pipe of the drill bit on the board, and then move the drill or rotary plate so that the center of the rotary plate is directly in front of the center pipe of the injured head, so as to ensure that the fishing device can be inserted into the center pipe accurately.

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