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The leading particle physics laboratory in the United States is transformed into a new "player" in the field of quantum technology. According to the official website of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory on the 18th, the laboratory announced on the same day that it will gather all quantum science projects in the laboratory to form a new Fermi Laboratory Quantum Research Institute to use particle physics expertise and Innovative methods promote the development of quantum technology.
Quantum technology is in the ascendant, and can be widely used in the fields of computing, sensing, simulation and communication. At present, it has attracted many governments and enterprises in many countries to "successfully bend down", showing the "thousands of sailing to compete, one hundred to compete" trend, Fermilab is one of the latest "getting the tide".
For more than 50 years, Fermilab has been at the forefront of particle physics and accelerator technology. Scientists and engineers in this laboratory are committed to exploring and explaining the mysteries of the universe. They discovered three elementary particles and revealed the mysteries of matter, energy, and space-time at the smallest scale.
Joseph Leiken, deputy director of Fermilab and director of the Quantum Institute, said: "The solutions we proposed in the field of particle physics are also applicable to quantum science, and we are implementing these solutions in many fields and have achieved Fruitful results. "
The Quantum Institute ’s future efforts include the use of technologies developed for superconducting particle accelerators to greatly improve the performance of qubit systems, including systems for future quantum computers. Developed a method of transmitting information over long distances using entangled particles; improving the performance of quantum sensors that can be widely used in many fields , and deploying them to search for the “fang trace†of dark matter and providing us with new insights into the universe; writing can simulate Algorithms for subatomic interactions on quantum computers. These algorithms can also be widely used outside of physics; develop methods that use quantum computing to improve data analysis and theoretical calculations.
Alexander Romanenko, head of quantum technology at Fermilab, said: "We have accumulated decades of experience in quantum physics, sensor development, particle accelerator science, and high-performance computing. We have world-class expertise. We The assembly of all this knowledge creates this unique research institute. In the field of quantum science, we are facing many challenges, and we are also committed to meeting and solving these challenges. "
US Fermilab establishes new quantum research institute