Road ice warning signal Road ice early warning signal is divided into three levels, respectively, yellow, orange, red. Sandstorm Warning Signal Dust storm warning signals are divided into three levels, which are represented by yellow, orange and red respectively. Fog early warning signal The fog warning signal is divided into three levels, which are respectively represented by yellow, orange and red. Gale (except typhoon) warning signal Gale (except for typhoon) warning signals are divided into four levels, which are respectively indicated by blue, yellow, orange and red. Typhoon warning signal Typhoon warning signals are divided into four levels, which are indicated by blue, yellow, orange and red. Hail warning signal The hail warning signal is divided into two levels, which are indicated by orange and red respectively. 霾Warning signal 霾 Early warning signals are divided into two levels, which are indicated by yellow and orange respectively. Lightning warning signal The lightning warning signal is divided into three levels, which are respectively represented by yellow, orange and red. Blizzard warning signal Blizzard warning signal is divided into four levels, respectively, in blue, yellow, orange, red. Drought warning signal The drought warning signal is divided into two levels, which are indicated by orange and red. The drought index classification is based on the integrated meteorological drought index in the national standard "Meteorological Drought Level" (GB/T20481-2006). High temperature warning signal The high-temperature early warning signal is divided into three levels, which are represented by yellow, orange and red respectively.
Old salts of inorganic or inorganic compounds, minerals, in the biological cells typically accounts for 1% to 1.5% of fresh weight, the human body has been found more than 20 kinds, including a large number of elements have a Ca Ca, P, P, K K, S S chlorine, Na, Na, Cl, Mg Mg, trace elements have a Fe of iron, zinc, zinc, selenium Se, Mo Mo, fluorine cobalt chromium, Cr, Co, iodine I F, etc.
Inorganic Salt,Magnesium Sulphate,Sodium Hexametaphosphate,Ammonium Bisulfite SHANDONG ZHISHANG CHEMICAL CO.LTD ,
International warning signal recognition and annotation
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