Wang Yong, Jianming Industry (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd., product manager Master of Zhejiang University, once worked in the famous domestic trace element production enterprise Now is Jianming Industrial Product Manager Some compounds have weak activity in the pure state and strong antioxidant effects in the mixed state. We believe that there is a positive synergistic effect between the components, which is usually referred to as synergistic effect. Synergism is a common phenomenon among antioxidants, the most typical examples being VC and VE. In 1962, Tappel took the lead in conducting a study on the synergy between VE and VC, and proposed the idea that VC regenerated VE, and this conclusion was confirmed by Paker and NiKi. Because the process of synergistic anti-oxidation is more complicated, people's understanding of its mechanism is still not very thorough. To summarize the existing research work, there are three main synergistic anti-oxidation methods: 1 Regeneration of antioxidants Some antioxidants, such as VC, coenzyme Q can directly interact with the high-efficiency antioxidants (mainly VE) in addition to the oxidation process itself, so that VE can maintain normal levels and continue to exert antioxidant effects. For example, VE and VC, in the lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid or methyl linoleate in liposome, fish oil, and homogeneous system of soybean phospholipid, Jianmin produced, it was found that the concentration of VE was basically at the initial stage of the reaction. It does not change, and the concentration of VC decreases. After the VC is completely consumed, the concentration of VE begins to decrease. Therefore, it is speculated that VC can reduce VE radicals to VE, thereby increasing the effective concentration of VE in solution and enhancing the antioxidant capacity. At the same time, VC can also decompose the hydroperoxide of lipid compounds into non-free radical products. Shows synergy. In addition, He Dong et al. used the frontier molecular orbital theory to theoretically explain the above phenomenon. The front-line reaction theory indicates that the interaction between the highest occupied orbit (HOMO) and the lowest empty orbit (LUMO) plays an important role in the stability of the reaction system and the formation of new chemical bonds. Jianming produced. The HOMO orbital of VC is composed of Pz orbital of carbon and oxygen, and the LUMO orbital of VC radical is also composed of Pz orbital, and the difference in energy level between the two is small, so that VE radical may regenerate by reacting with VC. Palozza and Krinsky observed that β-carotene and VC were more effective than a single component in preventing cancer and inhibiting early tumors. Li Zhaoxuan et al found that β-carotene can effectively inhibit the peroxidation of linoleic acid in homogeneous organic solution, and it has significant antioxidant synergistic effect and mutual protection when combined with VE, which they attribute this to β. The oxidation product of carotenoids, the degradation of retinol and β-carotene (RCHO), can reduce VE free radicals for regeneration. It has also been reported that TP (tea polyphenols) has protective effects on VE and VC, TP can protect VE, and can completely inhibit the consumption of VE. Wu Ruirong's research confirmed that TP can promote the storage of VC in humans because TP regenerates VC. 2 clear oxygen In vegetable oil and lard, there is a synergistic antioxidant effect between carotenoids and VC. Carotenoids in oils usually have the following reactions: VC has strong reducibility and can react with oxygen in fats and oils to lower the oxygen concentration. When carotenoids are combined with VC, the reaction (2) is inhibited due to the action of VC, and the rate of formation of Car-OO· is much smaller than that of Car·, which effectively reduces the concentration of peroxidic free radicals in the system. Antioxidant synergy. 3 chelated metal ions In 1936, Olcott and Matttill found that phenolic antioxidants have a very significant antioxidant effect when mixed with acidic substances (such as citric acid, phosphoric acid, etc.). They believe that these acidic substances can chelate trace metal ions and inhibit metals. The catalytic decomposition of ions by peroxides, thus demonstrating the synergistic effect of antioxidants. In addition to the above reasons, synergy may also occur due to mutual protection between antioxidants, such as the presence of nucleic acids to form hydrogen bonds with VE, protecting VC from other oxidative damage, thereby demonstrating synergy. Jianming produced. At the same time, Qi Jianjun (2012) studied the effects of different antioxidants on the oxidative stability of rice bran oil. The test uses acid value (AV), peroxide value ((POV) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content as evaluation indicators, ethoxyquinoline, tert-butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), di-tert-butylhydroxytoluene ((BHT) three antioxidants, added to the oil in different monomers or combinations, to study its effect on the antioxidant properties of rice bran oil. The results show that the effect of composite antioxidant is better than single antioxidant. Oil has higher oxidation resistance than general vegetable oil. A large number of studies have shown that when combined with different antioxidants, the antioxidant effect is often better than that of single antioxidant. Ma Tao et al studied the accelerated oxidation condition at (63 ± 1) °C. The effect of peroxide value ((POV) as the evaluation index, TBHQ, BHT, PG, citric acid and compound antioxidant on the antioxidant performance of rice bran oil. The results show that the antioxidant effect of the compound oxidant is better than that of the single antioxidant. Citric acid has synergistic effect on antioxidants. Chen Zhenlin et al studied the effects of different combinations of antioxidants TBHQ, BHA and VC palmitate on the storage stability of rice bran oil, and found that different combinations of antioxidants can improve rice bran oil storage. Stability, adding 0.015% VC palmitate + 0.015% TBHQ + 0.015% BHA rice bran oil has the highest stability, up to 30-33d, which is 1.43-1.83 times the stability of the control sample. 4 What are the antioxidant solutions? In 1968, Jianming discovered the role of free radical chelating agents in antioxidant systems and developed dual-effect antioxidants. Subsequently, Jianming began to study the synergistic effect between different antioxidants, developed a highly effective composite antioxidant, and creatively matched the best ingredients of EQ, BHA, BHT, metal chelating agents and organic acids. The scientific and efficient composite antioxidants Freshing® and Baoshen® series have been obtained to ensure the quality of grease with high efficiency and stability. Nowadays, on the basis of supporting the quality of grease, Jianming has independently established a customer service laboratory in the world to evaluate the quality of grease, not only to solve the problem of whether the grease is fresh or not, but also to solve the problem of whether the grease is adulterated and the grease is applied accurately. The problem; Jianming Industry combined with grease quality and customer laboratory in 1993, the world's first concept of feeding emulsifier, the introduction of emulsifier into the feed industry, used to improve the utilization of oil, so that Jianming became global can be used for grease A provider of comprehensive solutions for quality, quality control, applications and efficiency. ——END—— Jianming WeChat public number In 1961, Jianming Industry was founded in the United States, Iowa, Omni-directional nutrition solution provider Copyright statement: Any form of reprint must ensure the integrity of the text of the article, and must not delete the author, author unit and source information. Jianming Industry reserves all rights to this. (Some statements may not be fully applicable to all regions of the world; product labels and declarations vary by region.) Wood Doors ,Solid Wood Exterior Doors,5 Panel Interior Door,Wooden Bifold Doors Foshan QI'AN Fireproof Shutter Doors Co., Ltd ,
Interaction between different antioxidants