The challenge for traditional solar panels is that the sun does not always stay in one place, which means that only by following the sun's constant adjustment of angle can it collect energy as much as possible. Recently, scientists at the University of Michigan inspired Matthew Shlian, a paper-making artist who teaches art and design at the same school, inspired by Japan's paper-cut art. Many times, traditional solar panels are properly tailored to a certain proportion. By default, they are conventional levels. , but after the two ends are pulled up, they can show different curvatures and follow the sun's footsteps. The project was jointly led by doctoral student Aaron Lamoureux and associate professor Max Shtein. Through precise metering, it was able to pull up and adjust according to the time of day and the angle of the sun. The team conducted a test in Arizona and found that the paper cutting panel can be more than traditional solar panels. Generate 36% of electricity. Shtein said: "We think there is plenty of potential. We are about to promote it to practical applications. This will undoubtedly reduce the cost of solar energy."
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Inspired by paper-cutting, scientists develop solar panels with greater absorption capacity