Honda realizes V2H using CHAdeMO terminals in test houses

On June 16, 2014, Honda disclosed an empirical smart house (a new generation of energy-saving houses) in Saitama City, and a system powered by a pure electric vehicle Fit EV. This system is called V2H (Vehicle to Home) and can reduce electricity bills by lowering peak household electricity.

Power can be obtained by inserting a special plug installed in the garage into the quick charge “CHAdeMO” terminal of the Fit EV. Nissan also implemented such a system through "Leaf". Companies such as Toyota and Denso are testing plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) that do not have CHAdeMO terminals, and have verified that the V2H system can be realized through ordinary charging terminals.

Honda’s V2H system was developed in accordance with a technical guide developed by the “Electric Vehicle Electrical System Association” (EVPOSSA), which is composed of charger manufacturers. This guideline specifies the technical standards for charging using common charging terminals and CHAdeMO terminals and external power supply such as V2H.

V2H CHAdeMO plug located in the garage, can be inserted into the Fit EV

Honda and Tokyo Electric Power have signed a separate grid-connected agreement, and the V2H system of the residence has obtained grid-connected licenses. After obtaining a permit, you can use the power distribution board in your home to mix the power provided by the car and the power provided by the power company. A total of two kinds of grid-connected devices were applied for this time, which were power conversion devices (power conditioners) and Fit EVs deployed in homes. (Reporter: Okawa Kaisuke, Nikkei Automotive Technology)

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