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Global metal processing machine tool manufacturing industry has a three-point world
For the first time in 2009, China became the world's largest producer of metal machine tools, and became the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of superhard materials. The total output of synthetic diamonds accounted for more than 90% of the world. According to China Machine Tool Network | Ao Li network statistics, in 2010 China's global machine tool output accounted for 31%, close to 1/3, is indeed large enough. The global metalworking machine tool industry has generally gone out of recession. In 2010, the world's 28 major machine tool producing countries and regions increased by 21% compared with the US$54.7 billion in 2009. At present, the global metal processing machine tool manufacturing industry has a three-point situation: 1. Europe is still the main consumer market of the global machine tool industry, accounting for 34% of global consumption, mainly because EU members have regional complementarity in their internal procurement. effect. 2. Consumption in Asia and Oceania has jumped to the top, accounting for about 49% of global consumption. 3. The Americas is the third largest market for consumption, accounting for 16% of global consumption. The reason is that the United States and Canada are industrialized advanced countries, while Central and South America are mostly developing industrialized countries, so their demand is still dominated by North America, so the Americas become the world's second largest import market.