Concrete pump truck transfer case does not switch the fault handling

1 concrete pump car transfer case brief introduction of switching principle Concrete pump truck is carried out in the transformation of the truck chassis made, which is installed in the chassis with movement and power transmission, pumping and mixing device, the fabric device and other Some assistive devices. The power of the concrete pump truck transmits the power of the engine to the hydraulic pump group or the rear axle through the power transfer case, and the hydraulic pump pushes the piston to drive the concrete pump to work. Then use the pump truck cloth rods and pipes, concrete will be transported to a certain height and distance. Concrete pump truck engine in addition to driving the pump truck travel, but also used to drive pumping mechanism, stirring mechanism and fabric working mechanism and other devices. The motive power of each working device of concrete pump truck comes from the car engine. In the concrete pump truck work, the power of the car engine is transmitted to the transfer case through the transmission, and then transmitted to the hydraulic pump or the rear axle of the chassis through the transfer case. When the driver sends a command to switch to the pumping position, the pneumatic solenoid valve controls the cylinder on the transfer case to push the fork, the fork to push the separation gear to switch to the pumping position, and cut off the power to the rear axle, Parking status. On the contrary, switch to the driving position. 2 fault phenomena and failure analysis Our company has a Putzmeister Machinery (Shanghai) Co., BSF36.09 pump produced a construction site after the end of construction, ready to shut down, suddenly occurred in the entire hydraulic system pressure-free , The output power of the transfer case is felt in the driving position. When the driver sends the command to switch to the pumping position, the end of the fork rod can be retracted, but the separation gear in the transfer case does not leave the driving position , So the gear will not switch to the pumping position either. Although the arm has been withdrawn, the three legs have been lifted, but the legs have not been fully retracted. The most troubling problem is that there is another front leg that is fully supported on the ground with a weight of about a quarter of the body weight pressed against the outrigger by a force of nearly 10 tons. If you do not solve the problem, even if the pump can drive, can not be opened back to the company from the site. 3 pump truck leg problem analysis Pump truck leg hydraulic system principle and found that each leg of the truck hydraulic cylinder with two-way brake valve protection, even if the fuel supply pipe is removed, it can not cylinder rodless cavity Of the hydraulic oil release, and two-way brake valve connected to the rodless chamber into the hydraulic port, without removing the two-way brake valve in the case can not be disassembled, you can not recover the leg. Only in the two-way brake valve to find a solution, the pump leg hydraulic system diagram shown in Figure 1. Two-way brake valve on the leg (spare parts manual does not detail the structure of the two-way brake valve) has a large nut, the analysis of two-way brake valve is composed of two controllable one-way valve, The nut is one of them, people try to use a wrench to loosen the nut, hydraulic oil seepage. When the loose three or four laps, the controllable one-way valve is jetted out, thankfully the operator is prepared to take the body away, did not cause personal injury. Finally, put the leg with a crowbar and put it away, and reinforced with wire, also used a similar method to retract the other three legs closed. Summarize the experience of dealing with this fault should jack up the leg arm, the hydraulic cylinder release, and then remove the two-way brake valve, there will be no danger. 4 Repair transfer case method and process After the pump parked, remove the transfer case before and after the cis axis. Use a hand chain hoist to hold the pump set with the main pump, remove the pump set, and remove the boom and leg pump. Remove the transfer case, after its disintegration, found that the fork fell off the copper alloy. Transfer case structure diagram shown in Figure 2. Contact Putzmeister Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. to buy fork, the manufacturer can not provide the spot, only to the German headquarters ordered, and ten days before arrival. To solve the pressing problem, the study decided to use the brazing method will break the fork repair, the first end of the broken face with a grinder beating, with welding method will be good welding fork, and then use the angle grinder to deal with the excess welding meat , And then sandpaper surface treatment will be good, after washing machine installed, test everything is normal. Has been used for three years no such failure.

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